Monday, July 4, 2011

Pictures Of Ghosts And Spirits

images Ghosts amp; Spirits Tour Pictures Of Ghosts And Spirits. Gravediggers of the Ghosts and
  • Gravediggers of the Ghosts and

  • JazzByTheBay
    12-17 06:01 PM
    Personally, I think I'm beginning to see the shift in attitudes of young Indians now visiting the U.S. - of course, many will be tempted to stay in due course, and most of us here do truly appreciate what this country has to offer.

    The point I'm trying to make is the comparative state of the nations (both India and the United States), their respective economies, consumer confidence and hopes of their people, is in fact changing mindsets.

    There's no denying that this major shift is well on its way. It's no co-incidence that every single Indian I talked to in the last 2 weeks (temporarily here for education/work/whatever... ) immediately ruled out the idea of making the U.S. their home long-term, or even in the medium/short-term.

    In stark contrast, though, the H1B visas do get used up within hours of the visa lottery being opened... but I wouldn't assume all of those wanting to work here for some time on a H1B visa will want to stay back.

    Again, I don't have statistics to back up the theory - just anecdotal evidence, with a sampling far too small and based on my own personal experience and conversations...


    Give them a year or two more, when they have become comfortable with the american lifestyle and facilities we now take for granted (driving on freeways, easy access to libraries, parks to go for a run etc), and they will be probably singing a different tune.

    I came here eight yers ago muttering the same "Will make a few bucks and go back home" line. Still here and living it up :)

    I took up running 6 years ago primarily as i was trying to quit smoking, and also, there was a great running track right outside my house (obviously, free for anyone to use). Then I went to Mumbai last year and decided to go for a run, five minutes into the run and i was being chased by 2 dogs (and i don't mean the cops :p). The point i am trying to make here is. There are things in this country that we start taking for granted. lets appreciate it!

    Another tip i would suggest to keep your mind occupied is to learn a foreign language. Invest in an Ipod if you do not have one already. Download free podcasts thet teach french,spanish, german etc. Listen to it while running. You are doing two things at the same time, staying fit and learning.

    maybe we can have an IV 5K run sometime in the spring if things do not change. just a suggestion..

    wallpaper Gravediggers of the Ghosts and Pictures Of Ghosts And Spirits. Ghosts amp; Spirits
  • Ghosts amp; Spirits

  • imconfused
    07-02 11:08 PM
    these things rrgood for movies not practical life. 2 days more and everyone will move on. just watch...

    and now, here everyone comes bashing me for speaking the truth :)

    Pictures Of Ghosts And Spirits. and heard ghosts/spirits.
  • and heard ghosts/spirits.

  • techbuyer77
    06-18 10:40 AM
    When was your friend's Priority Date current? June 1st? Or, I assume, before that?
    i dont know her pd, she sent the stuff on may 18th and she got the receip around the 6/6/7

    2011 Ghosts amp; Spirits Pictures Of Ghosts And Spirits. GHOSTS AND SPIRITS

  • dontcareanymore
    07-28 01:37 AM
    Sorry if I am dashing the hopes of some and sound too pessimistic , but I think I have the right to be one , and this is what I feel where we are headed:

    1) Historically EB2 and Eb1 has the advantage over EB3. You may argue on the merits but it is the fact. It may be news for the folks who got in to the queue recently , but that is generally a trend except recent past. So there is no use in getting mad that EB2 are GC before EB3. But at the same time I don't accept arguments from some EB2s that EB2s are smarter than EB3 and have the right to get GC at least 6 years ahead of EB3. Like every thing else in this unfair process , you are at the right place at the right time and you get it. Be happy for that. If you can't understand the frustration of some Eb3s, the minimum you could do is not show off. If some one has been around for a while and seen this process they would not be either surprised or jealous about EB2's current status.

    2) It is sad to see this infighting. We are in a GC quagmire and there are no better solutions and most people are really frustrated and you can see that in the discussions. I see that the interest from active people in waning and probably justifiably so. You can see a pattern of decreasing interest from the peek (Jul last ear) . Most people are happy with EAD and Ac21 and some of the active folks got their GCs. Some of the most vocal, visible people on the forum has changed their tune soon after the last bulletin , just because their PD is current. It changes from "we all are in this together" to "You are on your own". Good luck to people in the queue to convince your brothers to be with you , if and when you walk the streets of DC :) :). They are at the doorsteps of being PR and are in a different group. If some of the posts are any indication, They think they are entitled to look down on you.

    3) There was a post a while ago asking whether the core group is wasting their time. Most of the time I agree. Most of us here are just for our selfish sake , despite what most preach about cause , justice , fairness , principles etc. Some to go the extent of comparing this with great fights in their home country. It is far from it. Just one air GYGC.

    4) we started loosing the unity the moment we forgot our main objective. "All immigrants are in this together" and this is not country specific. Instead of fighting together with others to capture lost visa numbers and exempt family members from the quota , we tried to snatch some numbers from our friends (ROW).(Not that I believe we could get the visa recapture this year) Now we are further divided between EB2I and EB3I with the same argument. I can give you another example of selfishness. Now that these guys have EAD and AP, they don't want concurrent filing , don't want premium processing for 140. Don't want any one else interfile with EB2. Just process my application without an interruption :):). I don't care if others done even get their H1 extended or get EAD. Where we are headed with this approach ?

    What do we have in store :

    Just hope the stars align for you and one day you will get yours. It will happen even if it takes 10 years. Live with it because you chose it.

    Don't loose sleep over some one else getting GC ahead of you. Try to live your life.

    Do what ever you can to better the situation. It depends on what you believe.

    If you have 10 people with you in the struggle , don't count on them to be with you tomorrow.

    if you are pissed off about some thing, went it by non-violent method. feels good. Blog , watch a comedy movie or do some thing that relaxes you.

    Don't be surprised if your hopes are dashed.

    At the end of the day getting GC is not indicative of your education, experience,capacity , knowledge , wisdom , usefulness to this country or the other way round. "GC is just what you have, not what you are ".

    I must have ruffled some feathers. If your feathers are ruffled , please see my handle. :):)


    Pictures Of Ghosts And Spirits. Ghosts and Spirits”
  • Ghosts and Spirits”

  • nyte_crawler
    05-04 02:56 PM
    I believe SKIL is another way of showing that politicians just want to start something to show that they are immigrant friendly. I don't know how far this can go through. My question is this,

    Does this mean that folks in EB3 pending will be exempted from quota, if they have a Masters from US ?

    Pictures Of Ghosts And Spirits. Help I Have Ghosts, Spirits,
  • Help I Have Ghosts, Spirits,

  • deepak
    09-10 08:12 PM

    There are several restrictions/constraints for many ppl for not being able to devote time/money for the general cause. Let's not fret about the reasons. While it would help for all ppl to join forces that should not distract the group that is doing something about the issues.

    And ppl on the sidelines - pls don't be a passive professional critique. However valuable your comments and ideas are they are useless without acting upon it - they are just like seeds sown in a barren land. The good work of the forum will continue without your presence. With your involvement we all can reach the goal that much more faster.

    My Labor certification is actually filed in the state of IL. But i am on an assignment in MD till Sep 2010 (after filing for relevant amendments).
    It's ~5 hrs drive for me to Baltimore/Washington-DC. So, coming every week for a meeting is not practical. I am extremely eager to support OUR cause given the commuting constraints. I have already written to our congress man here to bring to his notice the struggles of wannabee immigrants.
    So, where do i sign up?

    Harikris, I hear you. People are in different situations. I was not mad about moving to this country and for a long time, I preferred travelling instead. Then I reached a point where I preferred to be with my family and thought it is best if we move here and we filed for our GC at the same time. If it does not work out, I am entirely content moving back. Heck, even if it does work out, I might move back.

    I am not crazy enough for my GC to spend all my waking hours trolling forums and calling people names. It is just not worth it. I do donate, the same way that I donate to the local zoo and botanical garden. I give them money to run something so that I and others may benefit from it. The people who run it are passionate about it and do it for themselves and others.

    If things work out, everyone will benefit, the people who worked, and those who didn't, the people who donated and those who didn't. When India fought for its freedom, people donated money and time. I am ready to bet that less than 1% joined in the strugle. There were people who worked for the british government and there were people who went on with their lives. Everyone got freedom, the people who worked got recognized and remembered. That is life.

    The ones who are desperate need others to pitch in to create a critical mass in terms of both money and numbers. I think this realization needs to sink in and insulting people into getting donations out of them is probably not a strategy that will work very well.

    These forums are an excellent rallying point and I think more people being helpful and polite will go a long way.

    Of course, I say all this with my leathery skin waiting to be called a useless idiot who writes bullshit.


    Pictures Of Ghosts And Spirits. of ghost and poltergeist
  • of ghost and poltergeist

  • akhilmahajan
    02-12 02:16 PM

    2010 and heard ghosts/spirits. Pictures Of Ghosts And Spirits. Ghosts amp; Spirits Tour
  • Ghosts amp; Spirits Tour

  • TheOmbudsman
    06-27 11:57 AM
    I believe it when I see it.
    We should hire a lobbyst who can sell the idea to Sen. Specter and others pro amnesty lawmakers that they should hold on with the illegal alien case and work on the legal issue right now. I've seen this before where Sen. Specter claims that he could come up with a compromise, and yet he always show up with a redefinition of the word 'amnesty', what doesn't go far.


    Pictures Of Ghosts And Spirits. Ghosts are spiritual presences
  • Ghosts are spiritual presences

  • calgirl
    07-28 06:48 PM
    Wishful thinking.. But I hope you are right!
    Although I doubt it.. We are just not hearing back due to the volume of applications.. Not coz they plan on giving us greencards.. But..Wish you are right..


    Does anyone, who has PD getting current (under EB2- I/C) during Aug/Sept. got their EAD Renewed, and cards received. ?? If so, what's your EAD-Renewal Appln Date / RD and Cards Received Date.

    I suspect, USCIS is NOT issuing EAD Renewals, to probable Current PD holders, any more. :D hopefully. This is a good Sign, if true. Does anybody agree with me.. Let's Party out. :)

    This is becuase, my EAD Renewal Appln. RD is June 18th.. and till date I have NO LUD of whatsoever, and PD would be current during Aug.bullentin

    Is this something to cheer:)

    hair GHOSTS AND SPIRITS Pictures Of Ghosts And Spirits. Photos of Ghosts and Spirits
  • Photos of Ghosts and Spirits

  • plakshmi
    08-31 12:08 PM
    I see the priority date for caydee as March 2006 from the profile.. Does this mean, USCIS has already started processing cases that are going to be current from September 1st??


    Pictures Of Ghosts And Spirits. Real Ghosts, Restless Spirits,
  • Real Ghosts, Restless Spirits,

  • maine_gc
    07-19 09:08 PM
    I will pledge $100 for this drive

    hot Ghosts and Spirits” Pictures Of Ghosts And Spirits. “Ghost” Photo Debunks
  • “Ghost” Photo Debunks

  • reddymjm
    06-08 03:46 PM
    3 out of 6 of my checks got cleared from NSC. My application reached NSC on JUN 1st.


    house of Ghosts and Spirits, Pictures Of Ghosts And Spirits. Ghosts and Spirits - click
  • Ghosts and Spirits - click

  • sury
    11-21 10:31 AM
    I am shocked to see this thread. All my prayers are with you and your family. As other members suggested, I strongly recommend you to do PRANAYAMA everyday. If possible try to consult any Yoga Teacher.

    W.r.t to your question I recommend to you talk to attorney.

    tattoo Help I Have Ghosts, Spirits, Pictures Of Ghosts And Spirits. A decade ago ghost hunting
  • A decade ago ghost hunting

  • pappu
    02-25 12:42 PM
    Over the past 4 years, I have contributed to IV several times. I was also a monthly subscriber of $20 for over a year until my credit card expired and the payments stopped.
    What pains me is that inspite of several requests, i have not been granted access to donor forms. Perhaps there is a waiting list for donor access or my priority date is not current for the same.:confused:

    I will try my best to make it to DC events, but please accept my small contribution in case i am unable to make the trip.

    Transaction ID # 44Y412702G964994U date 2/25/2011 $25. monthly contribution for 6 months.

    Thanks for your contributions. We checked our records and did not receive any such request from you. Your past recurring contributions were in 2007 and 2008 when we did not have any donor forums. The phone number in your profile is incorrect. Could you please update your profile for us to reach out to you.


    pictures of ghost and poltergeist Pictures Of Ghosts And Spirits. to See Ghosts and Spirits
  • to See Ghosts and Spirits

  • waitingnwaiting
    02-15 09:08 AM
    How about we ask our lawyers to contribute for this event?

    dresses “Ghost” Photo Debunks Pictures Of Ghosts And Spirits. Spirits and Ghost
  • Spirits and Ghost

  • sgupta33
    11-07 02:10 PM
    i am pasting the format. just higlight the receipt date in all cases. no need of metioning notice dat. it should not be counted at all.

    Dear Mr. Prakash ,

    My name is xxxxxx and I am currently working at xxxxx as xxxx.

    My I-485 was filed on July 2,2007 as an employment based application. My wife, xxxxxx, application was filed as a derivative applicant. It has been over 4 months and I have not yet got an apointment for finger printing. I called up USCIS and got a response from Nebraska Service center, where my application is currently pending, that my case is waiting for an opening at local ASC.

    We, residents of Bay Area, are suffering a lot from fingerprinting backlog, due to presence of few ASCs.
    Also, my case was receipted at CSC and transferred back to NSC. Such cases are taking unusually longer for FP appointments. This is quite frustrating as there are other people directly receipted at NSC in August who have got fingerpinting.

    I would greatly appreciate if you could take steps to speed up the process of fingerpinting appointments.

    My details:


    My wife's details:


    Thanks a lot for your time

    Thank you for this information.


    makeup Ghosts are spiritual presences Pictures Of Ghosts And Spirits. of Ghosts and Spirits,
  • of Ghosts and Spirits,

  • h1techSlave
    03-28 11:44 AM
    That's a nice one. I had a laugh after a long time.

    :D yes. I want to predict what I will do (or what i want to do) to USCIS, but i will be banned.;)

    girlfriend A decade ago ghost hunting Pictures Of Ghosts And Spirits. in Ghosts and Spirits,
  • in Ghosts and Spirits,

  • techbuyer77
    06-18 06:45 AM
    me too

    hairstyles Real Ghosts, Restless Spirits, Pictures Of Ghosts And Spirits. in ghosts and spirits.
  • in ghosts and spirits.

  • harpomarx
    07-10 01:04 PM
    Can anyone do a cartoon and we can post it on the internet?

    How about a caricature of Gonzalez holding a sign as follows:

    WASHINGTON�The Department of State has revised its July Flower Bulletin to reflect that all available flowers have been allocated for fiscal year 2007.
    As a result, beginning today, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is rejecting applications to send flowers (Form I-356937) filed by aliens whose priority dates were current under the original July Flower Bulletin.
    U.S. immigration law limits the number of employment-based immigrant flower receipts that may be issued each fiscal year.

    02-12 08:25 PM
    Thanks a lot everyone.

    Grand Total - $1805

    Come on folks lets help IV, to get things done for US.

    IV is I/WE.


    08-26 03:33 PM
    Even my case was transferred from NSC to TSC. My I-485 receipt has receipt date as July 3 2007 but the notice date is September 7 2007. My A# is on the receipt but no PD.

    I'm seeing lots of folks being greened whose PD is after us. Is it possible that they have PD on their 485 (because I-140 concurrently filed) and so it was picked up by officer? I guess it's not.

    In response to infopass officer's request to expedite, I received letter from USCIS (within a week) . It shows my receipt# correct but shows filing date 10/10/2007. Actually, this is receipt date of case transfer to TSC from NSC.

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