Monday, July 4, 2011

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  • corba
    02-24 04:29 PM
    Receipt No: 2297-8392-3360-5210

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  • gxtrader
    08-29 04:30 PM
    I was getting excited coz seeing july 24 filers getting theirs and then i read your post :( Mine was received at NSC by same guy on July 30 11:23 a.m. But then's uscis so i might just get it even the earlier filers right? ;)

    There are 1000s waiting for receipts , filed before July 24th . Hope someone apprises USCIS that people are aware of it & they cannot fool millions just by a silly update (who is asking for it anyways!)!

    Applied to NSC on 18th July and received on 19th by F.HAUINER (has anyone received application by this person.. asking just to check if mine reached the right place)

    Receipts : Not Yet
    PD : Feb 2003

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  • Sachin_Stock
    09-25 12:34 PM
    Here's what the law says:

    8 CFR 204.5(e) relating to PD transfer between eb categories

    (e) Retention of section 203(b) (1), (2), or (3) priority date. A petition approved on behalf of an alien under sections 203(b) (1), (2), or (3) of the Act accords the alien the priority date of the approved petition for any subsequently filed petition for any classification under sections 203(b) (1), (2), or (3) of the Act for which the alien may qualify. In the event that the alien is the beneficiary of multiple petitions under sections 203(b) (1), (2), or (3) of the Act, the alien shall be entitled to the earliest priority date. A petition revoked under sections 204(e) or 205 of the Act will not confer a priority date, nor will any priority date be established as a result of a denied petition. A priority date is not transferable to another alien.

    I hope that clears the air.

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  • abhijitp
    07-06 08:29 PM
    Please clarify. I thought it is happening on July 14 or 21.


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  • amitjoey
    05-23 01:06 PM
    Called Senator Leahy's office. The lady asked me to leave a message to the senator on the answering machine.

    Neelu, Please post your messages on the phone thread also, it will inspire everybody to start calling.

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  • stucklabor
    06-27 10:10 AM
    First up, thanks to everyone for resolving this issue on their own, in a reasonable and civil manner.

    In a truly democratic environment, we may want to modify the core IV goals to reflect that (Ideally I would prefer that there be a vote for what should be the core goals...after all most people here have contributed something towards the cause...and only those who have contributed should be allowed to free lunch).

    1. Allow people to file for 485 and get EAD even if visa numbers are not available
    2. Allow EAD to be FULLY portable without restrictons (i.e., irrespective of job description or job title or job location or salary).

    The above two dont ask for sweeping changes in immigration laws such as increase visa numbers etc. etc. and are easy for the average American person to understand. And so can hopefuly be passed easily.

    With the above two passed, I dont think many people will complain if it takes another 5 years to get their GC. Agree?

    By the way, I have got my EAD card and my PD is also current. So the above two goals will be redundant for me. My story is that I am stuck in FBI namecheck. But the moderators have already indicated that it cant be one of the core goals. So I would not list that even if I would like that to be one of the core goals.


    Santosh, those are good suggestions that I will take up to the IV team.

    1. The idea of a democratically elected IV goals is a good one but there are huge practical problems. As it stands, the present IV goals are those that most people have indicated are those that the organization should strive for, and from our discussions with Congress/Senate staff, these goals are achievable. With democratically selected goals, the IV core team would have the unenviable task of fighting for whatever goals the populace decides is right, without regard to the achievability of the goals. For instance, if the junta votes on goals, many people would say 'Full portability of GC' or 'Automatic clearance of all pending labor cert applications in the BECs'. Those would probably not fly. Our current talking point is that our goals are small changes to the process; we do not skip any steps; and we do not change the process significantly. A full portability to any job changes the process significantly. Even yesterday, Spgtopper met the staff member of a very powerful House member and the staffer was quite positive on our goals - we do not ask for more green cards, we limit our goals to ones that are reasonable.

    2. IV goals are not written in stone. Name check is definitely an issue but it is an issue that not many of our people face. If our membership's problems changes from retrogression to name check, then we would have to work on that. It may be smarter to anticipate the magnitude of the problem and start work early. If you would be kind enough to partially lead the effort, that would be great. Logiclife is working on this issue on his own, and WaldenPond is also working on this. Please PM them. Logiclife is on vacation so he may take a while to respond.


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  • diptam
    06-23 12:15 AM
    Employers who are asking to sign 2 yr agreement are pretty clever in hatching the words - Make sure you don't give the wrong finger :D

    Take it easy...

    What if you assure him by signing a 2 year bond. Once you get the card, give him the finger

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  • jkays94
    06-26 02:09 PM
    Dear mpkmaster, it is easy to ignore facts and throw stones like "your are rasist". And it is not easy to face the reality. Since you are so smart, I would like to ask you some questions:

    >>1. Why there are long immigration lines in the US, Europe, Australia, Canada, Singapore etc, and almost none for Mexico, Latin America, Middle East etc. Maybe because these countries a full of "racists" ?[/QUOTE]

    To the best of my recollection, thousands of persons from Mexico are very much in line and suffer from retrogression just like everyone else. Please refer to any visa bulletin for details.


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  • Lasantha
    02-05 01:17 PM
    I think it depends on who the primary applicant is in your Canadian PR application. If you are the primary applicant (and used your spouce's qualifications to get the extra points), you should be able to do the landing alone. But if you are the secondary applicant and your wife is the primary then I don't think you can land without her.

    I think the rule is that the secondary applicants cannot land until the primary applicant has landed. (So the secondary applicants (spouce, kids) have to land either with the primary applicant or after him.

    Last week i received a letter from my canadian lawyer to send my passport to buffalo for stamping. The last date mentioned is March,08

    Regarding me, I got through canadian immigration with mine and my wife's points. My wife is a Permanent resident for last 3 years 10 months in US. I am in EB3 category. PD Oct 06.

    When checked the rules for maintaining PR in US for my wife, She cannot apply for PR in any other country till the time she is a PR in this country. As per the lawyers she will have a difficulty in applying for citizenship.

    Now, I cannot myself apply for canadian immigration. because its a joint filing. What should i do?

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  • tonyHK12
    02-18 02:12 PM
    I will not be able to attend the effort, so i just donated $100. Paypal transaction : 5G8297179W5987836

    thanks kumar_459. Just one for today so far.


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  • jsb
    03-10 01:55 PM
    what makes you think i am sitting at home waiting for the gc?

    my post was in response to Sayantan's post - go back and read what he said.

    With "you" I meant all those in these forums. Main point is in the second paragraph.

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  • dingudi
    11-05 03:22 PM

    I am a Jul 23rd I-485 filer. Just called USCIS second time (first time no success), went thru their menu and was lucky to get a great Cust Service Rep.

    She asked me the I-485 receipt #s, address, primary contact #, DOB, and Zip Code for self and spouse.

    She generated a SR for us together and gave us a Conf # for FP notice. She said that you should receive a FP appt notice in next 30 days.

    So I guess, perseverance does pay off :)

    Hopefully we can get this FP out of the way soon enough.

    FYI I am a Bay Area resident.

    I am not sure if opening SR helps, especially for TSC. I opened SR 30 days ago and still waiting. They have not scheduled me yet for an appointment.


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  • ski_dude12
    08-26 03:13 PM
    Not sure if I got your question...

    You can file I-485 only when your dates are current. If you filed I-485 by itself (not concurrently with I-140) then your PD will not be on the I-485.

    is this pattern (missing PD on I-485) for people who've PD current and not got greened?

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  • stillhopefull
    08-31 12:07 PM
    no receipt notice yet. Checks haven't been cashed as of this morning.


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  • EB3Ind
    09-03 11:41 AM

    today uscis site updated for my spouse regarding EAD card for card produciton.

    applied july1st 2008
    lud july 8th 2008
    card production on site: 09/03/08

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  • amitjoey
    11-19 12:43 PM
    JUST 34 members online


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  • fightnow
    07-06 07:47 PM
    John @ 408 472 3534

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  • StarSun
    02-09 08:24 AM

    The link on your message to donate seems to be broken. can you check into it, or can I just donate to IV through Paypal.

    Yes, you can use paypal. All one time donations go towards DC advocacy efforts.

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  • man-woman-and-gc
    09-16 01:53 AM
    Who is the ADMIN here??

    You may want to follow up with them via a PM or email. Check the IV core link.

    05-23 11:13 AM
    Emails sent to FL Senators and the Senators on the list.

    06-26 02:33 PM
    "Until and after 1 year" - how does it save me - the word "until"

    please explain for me - Thanks Much ?

    Why don;t you sign unless it say until and after 1 year approval:, you can leave employment after 6 months of filing I-485 and see what happens at that time, you have nothing to loose

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