Monday, July 4, 2011

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  • GKBest
    10-02 11:27 AM
    Hi everyone,
    Iam a July 3rd filer and the moneyorders for me and my wife has been cashed on September 28th. We had send 2 moneyorders for $745. Waiting for the receipts to come. Hope all of you get your receipts very soon.

    And what time? Hopefully, I will be in that box.

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  • dtekkedil
    07-05 01:25 PM
    Guys inorder for DOS or DHS or USCIS to get the message they will FIRST and FOREMOST have to understand WHO Gandhi is. For that we will have to attach a few pages of documentation about Mahatma Gandhi. By the time the message gets to the correct person's hands AND he/she understands the true meaning of the message, the person will think we insulted them, coz the the flowers will be dead and dried up and STINKY.

    Folks... the flowers are just one part of the campaign. The other part is where we notify every major news media about what we are trying to do (we will mail them on July 9th). That is where we let people know what we are trying to achieve. The flowers are a means to an end. Something to attract the media.

    We hope that the media will cover this event since it is so unorthodox.

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  • Caliber
    07-28 10:21 AM
    It is indeed sad that you continue to pontificate from a perch of indifference and ignorance. We all know that the entire EB immigration system is not a zero sum game (just ask Ron Hira and his ilk). Sad thing is, when it comes to EB3 I's, EB 2's such as you suddenly transform into a Ron Hira lite ... going about throwing broad hints about how the system is setup the way it is ... to serve those 'higher in the pecking order'.

    If we were to buy this weak attempt at making a 'logical point', I would be glad to give Ron a call and have his folks look into YOUR respective EB2 applications and find out if there REALLY was "NO" qualified US worker available for that job. Want to play that game?

    Look, the EB system is what it is. Instead of trying to bait others into silence by suddenly finding 'fairness in this system', only because this part of the puzzle narrowly goes to serve / protect your gains ... try to come together to fix the underlying weakness in the system.

    For the record, I am not bitter about a 7+ year 'wait'. On the contrary, I have grown professionally thanks to the opportunity to focus my energies towards building a Billion dollar corporation. That said, I would LOVE to see the paperwork of EB2 Java 'gurus' and L1 converts stand up to true scrutiny ... and that would open a whole new can of worms. Game?

    A great explanation. Your challenge is good. Those who oppose this, should come forward to check if there are really no qualified US Citizens available for their jobs.

    I know many L1 employees of Cognizant who come on L1 as Managers with just 2 years of Experience and file in EB1. Sad part is few people use Legal loopholes and screw all others.

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  • november
    07-02 11:26 PM
    I was plannig to go to Canada to take care of the landing formalities, but happened to visit this website,
    The details provided in the site is really scary. Though we keep Canadian PR as back up, after seeing this, I am wondering do I really need to go for landing.
    Can someone validate the details provided in


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  • sanju
    10-09 03:37 PM
    About giving GC based on age.

    I am 55.

    Any takers?Get behind me.

    Sorry, we are closed now. Sanjeev_2004 decided that we should do it based on PD. So we are going to give out GCs based on Priority Dates only. We have already send out the communications about the decision to the Department of State, Department of Homeland Security and the White House for them to follow the order of this thread.

    Andy, For haven sake please do not keep changing the rules of the game .... otherwise it gets very confusing. I request you please bear with us.

    BTW, is it 55 minutes? hours? days? weeks? months?

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  • dtekkedil
    07-05 03:39 PM
    I have convinced a few people at work to do this. Their point is, if we really want to do this, let's do it in a way that works. After receiving a few deliveries, USCIS will get the idea and direct it's lobby security to refuse all further flower deliveries. What's our plan for that situation?

    How did the people who delivered nuts to CBS make it happen? The delivery was actually done via UPS. It's difficult to refuse a UPS packet in the security lobby! Should we send chocolates via UPS instead? It will be much more difficult to refuse deliveries of chocolates.

    Does it matter if the flowers make it inside the building? What matters is that the media knows about us sending those flowers! The florists will tell them how many flowers they delivered! Besides, if we have a 100 people sending flowers they would have a tough time refusing all of them!

    My hope is that 100 becomes a 1000!


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  • ashatara78
    05-01 03:21 PM
    It is a good point that some people have brought up and I am sure IV core will evaluate it to see if it will help more people or less.


    I strongly believe that family should be together. Whatever GC and other immigration issues we have, one should strive for keeping the family together at all times. Missing out on even a few years of togetherness with your spouse and kids is not worth it.

    Even in the current system where dependents come under EB quota, I have known people where one spouse got the GC and the other one had to wait for many years because of a name check or something. But the current laws (EAD/AP etc) made sure that atleast the family was not broken up.

    If we are looking for a change or correction of law, we need to make sure that the new law has NO kinks that hinder family staying together. If primary applicant gets a GC and the spouse is still waiting for 5 more years (it is possible), then the primary applicant can get citizenship and apply for a new GC for the secondary. Like I said - This situation is possible even in the current system.

    As long as kinks are discussed with the lawyers and smoothened out to preserve family togetherness, it should be fine.

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  • GCStatus
    09-17 02:23 PM

    I know the truth hurts but just because it is the truth does not mean it is rude or ignorant. Be realistic!

    Cant talk logic to you buddy. No time right now. Have fun.


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  • chanduy9
    07-03 02:45 PM
    Once you sent the flowers pls poll @

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  • snathan
    02-10 12:10 PM
    Snaju has donated $100 but she is yet to add.

    So its $1044


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  • sury
    11-21 10:31 AM
    I am shocked to see this thread. All my prayers are with you and your family. As other members suggested, I strongly recommend you to do PRANAYAMA everyday. If possible try to consult any Yoga Teacher.

    W.r.t to your question I recommend to you talk to attorney.

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  • amitjoey
    05-23 01:42 PM
    Sorry Guys........wrongly posted my 'called senators' in this thread.
    Thanks Amit.

    No problem.


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  • bebar
    06-16 04:16 PM
    Me either. No receipts yet.. filed to reach on june 1st.
    Lucky you summerof98!

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  • ramus
    06-05 08:18 PM
    Like I said in another thred, this message is not for any individual so please don't take it personal..
    Thanks to all who already contributed.. Those who haven't yet please do it now..

    In spite of all the forum spamming, I have contributed, thank you

    And yes, I've sent multiple faxes to every senator.

    And yes, I've visited, phoned and emailed multiple senators and congressmen.

    And yes, I've sent approximately 700 emails to media outlets nationwide

    PLEASE stop spamming the forums


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  • VMH_GC
    07-09 04:55 PM
    here is the message i have given. what do u think?

    Dear Editor,
    July 10th, 2007 Will be a day of flowers showered all over USCIS office from thousands and thousands of legal immigrants all around US. This day, we express our pain and frustration that has been carrier by us since 5-9 years. This is going to be a peaceful protest with millions of flowers delivered to USCIS Director, Emilio Gonzalez.
    Gandhi ji is not alive, but many gandhians are born in our heart and soul, to make USCIS realise the value of Hardship and humanity.

    This is probably the first time when skilled, legal professionals are participating in an event like this at this scale and it goes to show the level of anxiety in the community right now. Would you be willing to write about this event ?

    For more information on the event, please see the attached pdf.

    pls. feel free to contact me for more information on this campaigne.



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  • hari_babu22
    11-17 05:31 PM


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  • vsoni
    12-03 02:20 PM
    Is there any way I can help you?
    If yes Please PM me

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  • desi3933
    07-09 03:40 PM
    A lot of people do go for self employment so no need to be scared as long as the employment is legitimate.

    Thanks Chandu.

    This one line summaries well what is needed for Self-Employment.


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  • pani_6
    07-25 11:16 PM
    Did you send out the latest letters...I am getting a positive feed back ..that approximately at least 500 letters have gone out..we started to make noise.. and we will see the results eventually...More action items will follow in comming weeks..Dont forget the high five though campaign though ;)

    What happened to EB3-I, call to action ? I sent out the letters ,but what is the follow-up ? Looks like everyone is interested only in EB2 India and nobody is doing anything about EB3-India.

    05-08 05:59 PM
    should we add the following content?
    EB quota is only a small share compared to overall immigration quota. Per Country cap on family based immigration can still be remained to ensure diversity. However, we request to remove country cap on EB immigration. US employees are only looking for talents to keep competitiveness, no matter the talents is from India, China, or Luxembourg .

    Below is what I sent. Maybe we can tweak this letter and send it to all senators and congressmen.

    Subject: Discrimination of Indian Immigrants

    Dear President Obama,

    I wanted to bring to your attention the plight of hundreds of thousands of highly skilled Indian immigrants waiting endlessly for many years in order to obtain a permanent residency in the US. The process of getting a permanent residency is a long, winding, time consuming, financially and emotionally draining experience, with no end at sight. After 5 to 10 years of waiting in line, paying taxes, obeying law, many high skilled workers from India find that permanent residency is only a dangling carrot that they may never get it.

    One of the biggest hurdles for high skilled immigrants from India is a country cap that limits applicants from any one country from having more than 7% of the available employment based green cards (140,000 visa numbers per year). This means applicants from countries like Andorra and Luxembourg get the same number of green cards as applicants from India and China. This causes a person from India and China to wait 5 to 10 years in order to get permanent residency while applicants from all other countries have zero wait time. We are here in USA because we wanted to be a part of USA, and not because we came from a certain country. All applicants should be treated equally and country cap only allows discrimination by national origin in the disguise of fairness to all, as US has a lot more high skilled workers from India or China than from Andorra or Luxembourg.

    President Obama, we are here to pursue the American Dream and we find hurdles at every level during the immigration process. I request you to kindly remove the discriminatory country cap and provide us relief. This is a small step that can enormously help hundred of thousands of high skilled immigrants and we will be grateful to you for our lifetime.

    Thank you President Obama and you are doing a wonderful job!

    Xxxxx xxxxx

    06-12 09:30 AM
    Fortunately, my PD became current on May 1

    Did you get your receipt?

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