Monday, July 4, 2011

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  • Lisap
    08-26 05:10 PM
    I mailed my 2nd application (1st one was mailed in late June my attorney filed too soon as I was not current in June) on Aug 14th and it was received at NSC on the morning of the 15th. I 140 filed at TSC and was approved in July 2006. No checks cashed and No Receipt as of yet....

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  • santhu
    07-03 04:13 PM
    Hi Everybody

    I'm almost at checkout for sending flowers. Interestingly I noticed that there are other forums where people are discussing the immigration issues and also where people are effected.

    Lets make it a massive campaign. We can have a link on the immigration voice home page with exact details on the address and date (final) and impress on people that it shall work.

    I noticed that many Chinese use other forums in Chinese language. In fact I requested one of friends to post these details in their forum as well. May be each one of us can forward the details to others by E-mail or other wise. Try to make 10th July as big day for USCIS leaving all document packages aside but busy handling the roses.

    Media would definitely be happy discussing the approach for days and in way discuss the issue as well.
    Flowers do bring smile and a little bit of introspection to every one.

    Lets do it big way.


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  • yadav
    08-29 10:04 AM
    My I-140 was approved by NSC in feb 2007, and my I485 was delivered on aug 10 to TSC.
    1. Does anyone think that my case might be transfered to NSC (since I140 was approved there).
    2. Can i file for AP without getting recipt for 485 (instead of recipt i am planning to attach the fedex delivery notice)
    3. Is there any way i can find whihc center is having my application.

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  • anzerraja
    07-19 08:27 PM
    Could you please help us doing that ? I asked GSC999 for the same thing. There is no reply yet.

    can you create an excel sheet in google and share it so that it is easy to track the contribution


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  • gc_lover
    07-20 07:41 AM
    I am in for $100.

    By the way if we have 20,000 members and even if each pledge $5, we can reimburse the core team expenses. How often we have to teach and tell the Math to our so called highly skilled free riders.

    Some should be feeling really guilty for using IV and not contributing till now. Come out the stingy attitude and help.

    Thats because 19,236 members hide somewhere when there are talks about $.
    If some people want to criticize IV same 19,236 members will be first to jump on forums and post messages!

    PS: 19,236 is just a made up number!

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  • amitjoey
    07-05 03:55 PM
    Either way it is going to work, we have to make a buzz about it.. Meaning, talk about it. Talk about flowers being sent to USCIS.


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  • nixstor
    07-07 10:12 PM
    That's nice to hear. Can he guess what would be the likely outcome? If the judge just takes USCIS/DOS to task then it doesn't help us.

    1. Will they make the July visa bulletin current again?
    2. If not, will they allow everyone to file for EAD and AP?
    3. If neither #1 nor #2, will there be any financial reimbursement?


    It gets interesting. Doesn't it? Even if the court agrees that this is a fiasco and would like to compensate the beneficiaries by allowing us to file for 485, it would be in direct violation of the law that " there must be a number available on the day of filing ".We don't have any numbers. Do we? My point is, will a judicial system go out of the box and allow us to file when there are no visa numbers available? The only way is get numbers and make every one file and the only way for that is to undo what the USCIS has done in the last 2 weeks of June. Just my thoughts. I am ready to take anything positive out of this because I have least hopes pegged on the law suit.

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  • abhijitp
    07-08 04:04 PM
    No postings on the windows of those Bharat Bajars and Cash N Carrys and Kumuds. Can't the i-phone designers and router gurus make Ashas and Abhijeets invisible with some eye catching posters?

    Something like this would certainly spread the word in at least the indian/asian community.
    Also, PERSONALLY send out emails to linkedln contacts/ various yahoogroups/alumni groups you are part of. I just did that.


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  • nousername
    01-30 04:23 PM
    Funny... Sathweb took his post back, which even he does not agree with anymore and you now agree with it..

    Point is very simple: If a person has a valid job offer then by all means go ahead and apply for H1 from any status (be it H4, F1, B or Z...) but if you don't have a proper job offer then please don't apply for the H1 visa through a body shop as you are taking away a valuable visa #, which unfortunately are very limited.

    QUOTE=sumanitha;314025]I Completely agree with your reply. First, when I read the comment of that guy, I couldnt accept at all.

    You have given a nice and neat reply.[/QUOTE]

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  • Karthikthiru
    09-14 12:08 AM
    I am in for it


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  • JazzByTheBay
    09-15 12:18 PM
    I appreciate your spirit, although I don't agree with your belief that you own the thread or the messageboards by the virtue of your creating a thread.

    What I posted was a plea to introspect (more so as the first anniversary of the D.C. rally approaches) - it was in no way dismissive of your efforts, or an effort to ridicule or demean your thread or its spirit.

    Not sure why you felt the need to be rude - being firm and clear about your goals is a sign of leadership, and being blunt may get you some more brownie points. However, brash/rude behavior is not a substitute for that clarity and firmness, imho - particularly with those who may be working towards the same goals as you are (albeit coming at it from a different angle).

    All the best in your endeavors, my friend.


    JazzbytheBay - I am sure you read everything from the top.

    This is NOT just any other thread. We are going to do it. I am glad to see some brave minds joining on this initiative.

    If anyone cant contribute anything, just dont say anything. I thought it was clearly mentioned in the options provided

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  • bang
    11-18 01:10 AM
    Done !


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  • dish
    05-03 12:45 PM
    Before SKIL bill there were Talent Bill and PACE act which were pending for a long time. the senate has not taken up the immigration reform debate yet. and it can be postponed forever. So how much hope is there for SKIL bill ?
    Also after senate, there is a bigger hurdle, the house of representatives. Remember the Budget Reconciliation Bill was passed in Senate with the Immigration related Clauses. But was stripped off in the House. So is there any hope ?

    Sorry I am being Skeptical. But apart from some media publicity, IV does'nt have brought up anything good to the Legal Immigrants community.

    Have IV recieved any Positive Responses for the faxes being sent. Will the Backlog elimination Centers Improve their processing speed, and transparency of cases?

    I am on H4 visa, So I am dumped. and Here is my friend who had to resign her job because her 6 yrs limit on H visa. and We are feeling depressed day by day in this UNFAIR IMMIGRATION SYSTEM. Aren't H4 spouses considered as Immigrants ?

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  • joeshmoe
    06-08 12:56 PM
    looks like NSC is not working at all on receipts today.

    How do you know this?


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  • walking_dude
    10-08 03:23 PM
    There is no FIFO in current system. There NEVER WILL BE as long as so-called Chargeability areas ( country quotas) exist. Mark my words, we may at best get the quota extended to 10% (if STRIVE or something similar passes), but the quotas are here to stay. Guy from a so-called ROW country will always get his GC ahead of you.

    Have you read about 'Alternate Charegeability'? Read about it in Mathew Oh's website. It means a guy/gal from India can marry a Sri Lankan or Pakistani and use his/her country as chargeability! A person is getting ahead of others by marrying outside your country! What's your brilliant idea to stop that. I can already see some guys posting 'IV should make banning marriage outside the chargeability their Top #1 agenda, as people use it to cut the line'

    What you guys really mean by FIFO here is ' a guy/gal from my country who applied after me, who cannot use alternate chargeability or marry an American citizen to cut the line, should not get GC before me'! ( FBI name check , EB1/2/3 etc. be damned)

    Did I get you correctly?

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  • chanduv23
    07-07 01:05 PM
    Please be prepared for unanticipated actions in case of rallies

    Check this youtube video

    IV members - never lose control or temper - in a public rally. Be careful - remember, in this current scenerio we do not have much sympathy - if any official assualts us - more sympathy will be towards them.

    Please do a thorough research on how effective rallies are based on our situation. We do not have much political support - no government support, no public support - and not the least of sympathy though we contribute so much.

    In case of unanticipated actions - we may never know if politically we will have any help fro higher ups.

    Also - please check the numbers ( remember though a lot of people show enthusiasm in discussion forums, in reality you will find very less people taking part)

    So please do your homework and do a lot of discussion. Do not hurry up and rush into rallies. A lot of rallies are done by disciplined leaders who plan these well in advance.

    Please do some research.

    Once again - it is nice to see the zeal in all the members to do something. Please contribute to IV. Participate in media drive and update information. Help in all posible ways. Please contact core to discuss strategies.

    Keep up the spirit.


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  • senthil
    06-15 01:01 PM
    as july VB states all EB categories for india is current, is there a chance ( or even worst case scenario ) where the dates can retrogess in the middle of month anytime ?

    in other words can we take it for granted that the dates will NOT move back till the last working day of july 07

    any ideas / inputs ?

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  • PavanV
    02-02 05:52 PM

    Simple ... Blacks and Latinos are minority in US... and in India so called Backward Castes are the Majority and in a Democracy MAJORITY RULES! .. so Reservations Persists in India!!! :)
    Lol.. majority needs reservations ??, in a class of 100 if 50 % are group A, then group has the most chance of getting jobs with the sheer attribute of having numbers to advantage, however if group A is morally corrupt and think that reservation is their birthright, then so be it. They will always suffer with prosecution complex.

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  • desi3933
    07-10 10:57 AM
    Link to EB-1 case where I-140 was denied because job offered was not "permanent".


    As per this document

    Pursuant to regulations at 8 C.F.R. 9 204.5(i)(2), "permanent," in reference to a research position, means either tenured, tenure-track, or for a term of indefinite or unlimited duration, and in which the employee will ordinarily have an expectation of continued employment unless there is good cause for termination..

    08-27 12:31 PM
    Reached NSC on July 3rd 11:14 am. No receipts yet.

    08-25 12:47 AM

    The issue is not with desi consultants. It is with those companies who game the system and take advantage of workers from India. If you believe that the petition filed by your company is legit, then it is all good - you will never have to worry about any audit or RFE.

    As I have said before, the problem arises when some companies file petitions when there isn't an immediate job offer. They often take money from the H-1B worker to file the petition and not pay them when they are on bench - making them vulnerable to USCIS audits. In my view this is bad for the H-1B program and everybody who is involed, and it should be investigated by the USCIS.

    Now, there may not be many who do this - but a few bad apples have certainly given the rest of us a bad name.

    Here are some of the red dot comments I recieved for my early posts. Not that I care about red dots.

    no. i was hired because i was good. you were hired because you were willing to work as a slave for 40k.
    BAN desi consultants, hoarding H1B's from deserving people, BAN everyone who supports them

    To the poster of this message,

    This country is not for incompetent people who fear desi-consultants.

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