Friday, July 1, 2011

Lady Gaga Elle

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  • unitednations
    03-08 04:33 PM
    You are in this society for 35 years, so I'm not sure what's your objective of being on this forum...Anyway about your observation on Visa spill over, what you are saying is 180 different tha what other lawyers are saying, they are saying until 2007 DOS was reading the law differently so India was getting the spillover Visas, now they have started reading it differently hence India is not getting more than 7% Visas now, it is very obvious, from EB-3 India being in Oct-2001 for last 2 years, and EB-2 haven't seen any substantial movement either....

    That is many peoples problems isn't it? They are active on forums, care about greencards, keep abreast on legislative stuff and then once they get greencard they disappear.

    If someone is from USA and they go to your country and live there for five years; they do not have historical context of why things are done the way they are done; no matter how long they research it.

    We'll see when statistics come out. Which lawyers by the way say their interpretation is 180 degrees different?

    How much visas did India get for the period October 1, 2004 to September 2005 (off the top of my head it was 50,000)

    From October 2005 to September 2006 (it was around 10,500)

    For the period October 2006 to September 2007 (someone want tofind it; it was more then 7%)

    October 2007 to September 2008 (to be determined)

    Department of State has been all over the place by changing their interpretation? btw; I doubt with visa movements the way they are that they are establishing country quota of 7%. If they were then that would mean there is only 2,800 people including dependents waiting for greencard in eb2 prior to April 2004.

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  • aarora1979
    11-18 09:46 AM

    Good work TEAM!

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  • StarSun
    02-23 08:21 AM
    Transaction ID: 0HV49363NW0956225
    Description Unit price Qty Amount
    Donation to Support Immigration Voice (User: imm_pro)
    $500.00 USD 1 $500.00 USD
    Subtotal $500.00 USD
    Total $500.00 USD
    Payment $500.00 USD
    Payment sent to

    I will not be able to attend the event due to personal reasons;so am trying to compensate for it by atleast contributing sincerely to the event.Hope this will inspire some of the members who are still trying to decide wether to contribute/volunteer or not.

    Thank you imm_pro for your generous contribution.

    Thanks to all the members who are helping in any way possible to make this advocacy effort a success.

    Thank you Tonyhk12 for keeping track of the contributions.

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  • 24fps
    03-08 11:27 AM
    The situation on the ground is this:

    L-1 extensions for software related jobs are pretty much now dead. TCS, IBM, etc., are getting denied. USCIS has changed their definition of "specialized knowledge". Now, "specialized knowledge"means no on in USA has that knowledge and cannot obtain that knowledge through training.

    Staffing companies; small companies or companies who are h-1b dependent (larger comapnies) are stuck in Vermont Service Center. There are some that aren't having problems but usually it starts with one case stuck in background check; followed by a few approvals; then another one stuck in background check and then all of a sudden all cases are stuck in background check. The scrutiny uscis is giving these types of cases is tremondous and they are denying all of them. Right now; if you monitor the forums you are starting to see the denials. However, vermont service center was sticking cases in background check since fall of 2007. Now; those cases are being worked on and denied. We are just at the beginning of this.

    Traditioinal American companies; h-1b and greencard have become toxic and political. Many of them aren't filing greencards for people due to layoffs or too many poeple responding to the advertisements. I haven't seen h-1b issues with them yet. However, if they are not going to do GC then what is the point.

    Staffing companies had easiest time filing labors becuse they don't layoff people. However, after Iowa issue now they have started cancelling h-1b's for people on bench, etc. There are so many transfer requests in open market right now; but companies aren't filing because they are getting rid of their own people and it would be foolish to bring on more people in non productive status. However, when they are cancelling h-1b's and sending people back; it is a layoff and that would preclude them from filing greencards.

    I do know of one person working at FEDEX as a permanent employee (she has greencard); she told me that FEDEX has taken the detemination that they will not be filing greencards for anyone in the near future. Person can stay until duration of their h-1b but then that will be it.

    perm labors used to go through in matter of days. Anything mor then 3 weeks was considered a long time. Now; there is high rate of denials and DOL turning up the scrutiny as to layoffs and general workforce in the place of inteneded employment.


    WOW thats rough! just recently a friend of mine who was on the o-1 visa (in the entertainment industry) applied for an extension as his third year was up, he got rejected!! this is unheard of in the o-1 visa (unless you commit some crime, which this guy never did etc) the o-1 doesn't even have the "displacement of american worker" clause that can be used to reject extensions, and once the "extra-ordinary" ability is proved how does it diminish??

    With all this BS going on they might as well shut down immigration for a few years.:confused:


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  • amitjoey
    11-18 10:05 AM
    We need 3-4000 people viewing this thread and sending emails.

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  • Lady Gaga na Elle Magazine

  • justAnotherFile
    07-20 01:26 PM
    Congratulations to you and your spouse Aman, for a well deserved Green Card. It's great to know that you are going to continue to provide leadership to IV inspite of getting your card.

    (Based on Aman's comments. I will contribute the earlier pledge i made in this thread, to IV next month.)

    will also get my video uploaded ASAP.


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  • nat23
    10-24 03:35 PM
    As we get closer to election day it seems that Democrats will have control of the Congress. All the polls that have been and are being conducted show that the Democrats are leading the Republicans by double digits.

    If Democrats win the CIR will get through but the there will be a huge backlog as there arent enough people at USCIS to do the work, which in a way is retrogession. There will be relief for people with advanced degrees but on paper only.As it will still take years for their paperwork to get through USCIS, others will be in a worse situation as the waiting line would be huge.

    If Republicans win there will be no CIR as pointed out by others in the thread. However, SKIL might get through and that will help shorten the waiting period for people without advanced degrees.

    Based on my analysis (which might be completely wrong), I think we are better off with Republicans.

    2010 image. Lady Gaga Elle. Lady Gaga looks like a very
  • Lady Gaga looks like a very

  • sheraaj
    07-10 10:38 AM
    Hello Guys,
    Looks like this did got some visibility. It does not matter you have won the game or not but getting the message and getting the visibility is important.

    Check wikipedia article (Down below). -- >

    "Wikipedia is a free online library with many articles and it is very popular website and gaining popularity every day."

    BTW.. People might argue why are we doing this and Gandhiji did not do this. Gabdhiji clearly stated that Satyagraha can be achieved in any way as long as it is peacefull. We are doing Flower-Satyagraha.

    Thanks to you all. If you did not send then keep on sending. IV has done a very good job by initiating this.



    Lady Gaga Elle. Lady GaGa Elle Magazine
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  • vjkypally
    07-06 04:44 PM
    Can someone organize something in NY/NJ?

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  • ajaykk
    07-21 01:33 PM
    Mailed on 07/14
    Recvd: 07/15
    Soft LUD's: 07/17, 07/18 & 07/20


    Lady Gaga Elle. A new snippet from Lady Gaga
  • A new snippet from Lady Gaga

  • unitednations
    03-07 01:52 PM
    Your Comment on H2B is only right about H2B and doesn't apply on EB green cards. We are people who came on H1B & our Green Cards were sponsored by US employers, we have our Labor & I-140 approved and we are waiting for Visa number assigned to our applications. So you could be comparing apples to peaches...Immigration policies had been hostile in past 12 years and will continue to be same indefinitely...Now our choice is sit back, lie low, keep watching & read Visa predictions indefinitely- may be another decade or 2- or take some steps, which I think, are not going to face much opposition. Also regarding reason behind so many Indians is, that 200K H1B between 1999 and 2002. Even if visa cap is lifted for 2 years that big hump will be crossed, it may smoothen the Visa allocations for Indians.

    Some people are floating in Utopia.

    Most of us are here on on the ground.

    Keep watching the forums and see how many denials have been posted and we are just at the beginning stages... There are many more denials; revocations; dol audits, arrests coming.

    While all this is going on; you can continue to push the envelope and try to increase EB greencards, get rid of country quota and loosen up everything.

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  • good idea
    09-24 09:58 AM
    I am not sure if I am correct,
    Although no. of visas are awarded "EB category + country" wise, but spillover is not awarded in same fashion.
    .e.g. 3000 visa comes to EB2 I & 3000 visa comes to EB3 I.

    But spillover comes from EB1 to EB2 irrespective of country. And reason why EB2 I is far ahead is because of spillover gain before it reaches to EB3.

    Even if some EB2 I guys are not happy with EB3 person porting to EB2, shouldn't they calm down as whoever is porting taking benefit from spillover for EB2 world and not from spillover EB2 I.

    My assumption is spillover comes to "EB2" and not "EB2 + country" wise, if that is not correct then my point is nullified.


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  • admin
    05-05 11:34 AM
    Dear admins,

    I think deleting my post was not fair. The other people who have been bashing us with MS degrees need to also have their posts deleted.

    I was not offensive in anyway, I just pointed out the reality of the situation and that is not "being offensive."

    If you are afraid of alienating some of your contributors, well then by deleting the posts of ppl with Masters degrees you risk alienating them.

    If I offended the admin personally if he/she does not have a masters degree, I apologize for hurting your "feelings" but that does not allow you to delete my post.

    Finally, since 99% of the time the admins come back with not relevant to the thread, I agree on that ground but respectfully request the deletion of posts by a bunch of others like the "hiring manager" who instigated this discussion.

    The posts were deleted on the basis of one criteria only- whether they were offensive to others or not and not on the basis of who wrote the post. If you do feel some post is offensive to you, please report it to us by clicking on the exclamation mark above the post.

    As far as this discussion about Masters in the US is concerned, it must have been pushed for by the Universities themselves as this could be a selling point for their degrees.

    People do have to realize that if people with Masters are taken out of the quota, then all of us benefit. In the current queue there could easily be tens of thousands of people with Masters Degree. If they are taken out of the quota, the rest of us benefit from the reduced queue.

    PS - I have a non US, non STEM advanced degree but I still strongly support this measure.

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  • bkam
    06-26 12:59 PM
    This and many other threads have undoubtedly a huge racist component and we urge the administrators to quickly remove them.
    You don't deserve to get a green card!
    What is the difference between that anti-mexican speech and Sensenbrener's & Tancredo's theories?:(
    We could say" We are not going to worship cows and take ritual baths in dirty rivers..."
    Shame on you!
    Dear mpkmaster, it is easy to ignore facts and throw stones like "your are rasist". And it is not easy to face the reality. Since you are so smart, I would like to ask you some questions:
    1. Why there are long immigration lines in the US, Europe, Australia, Canada, Singapore etc, and almost none for Mexico, Latin America, Middle East etc. Maybe because these countries a full of "racists" ?
    2. Tell me why some some people/countries can manage their economy and become attractive centers for immigration and other are just hell holes. There is a huge difference between Japan, S. Korea, China and N. Korea and they are populated by the same race - what has racism has to do with that ?
    3. Why did you immigrate from your own country?

    I will tell you one thing - due to my profession I have visited most countries in the world, including India. And definitely have a better understanding what is racism, what is protectionism, what is laziness, stupidity etc. Do not hide all these behind "racism", won't work...

    Come on, Admin, delete quickly this "racist" evil message :-)


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  • Lady Gaga on the cover of ELLE

  • sumansk
    09-28 04:42 PM
    Hello All..
    Can anyone throw some light on why some cases have not been receipted so far and are pending for any action..No rejections, no receipts no cheques ..nothing..
    I see guys already starting to discuss EAD and opening companise etc..
    We are still waiting for the ACK fron USICS...
    My case was received at NSC on 18Th July by R cook, whose name I havent seen in this frum...and no info so far..Called USICS and talked to 2nd level clerk but no receipted so far.. so they have no info..
    Guys anyone can you please tell me what cud be the reason for such delays...

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  • cnag
    03-25 06:50 PM
    My PD is Dec 2004. I am hoping in 2010.

    Mine is Nov 2005... and I am not hoping. There is no point in hoping or fantasizing etc. Just forget it. :mad:


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  • LostInGCProcess
    08-29 01:45 AM
    So if USCIS takes an year to process my extension, what are the impacts to me after the current H-1B expires? Would I have issues in traveling?

    While your H1 is in pending state and you go out of the country, USCIS would consider it as 'abandoned'.

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  • abhijitp
    07-10 01:34 AM
    Can someone give me Michael Moore's contact and I can gaurantee you that his next movie will be on USCIS and DOS.
    I dunno if you were kidding or serious. Here is the email address:

    Copied from

    Contacting Michael
    If you have something you want to tell Michael directly, contact him at:

    Michael gets thousands of emails and does his best to personally answer as many of them as possible. Occasionally his email box "overflows" and you may get an error when trying to contact him. Please be patient and try sending your message to Michael again at a later date.

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  • TheOmbudsman
    10-25 04:19 PM
    Hi Ahimsa and other poster who questioned this:

    Why SKULL bill ? As a high level manager I have learned after years of experience that you need to use good sense of humor, satirize when confronted with insanities and very stressful situations. In my life such a twaddle this immigration process has been that I need to come up to this forum and sometimes make some of us laugh a little bit from this situation. Calling it SKULL bill is a way to apply my sense of humor to this process. Please do not take this as an offense.

    Please, please. Folks, didn't you see and - a reliable pro immigration sources - outlining that that anti CIR calls outnumbered the pro CIR calls 400:1 ? Go to and research the info there by yourself if you don't trust me.

    One more indication for you, which doesn't rely on biased polls:
    In spite of massive lobby and muscles leveraged by the corporate sector, why do you think immigration bills - both pro legal and pro illegal - have been unsuccessful in the last two years ? Come on guys, by now you should not be questioning whether the public is against amnesty or even legal immigration. It is evident that the majority of citizens do not benefit from more immigration. Do you have an idea how much lobbying $ got involved on this without much success so far ? I am surprised that you are even raising this question. Why Americans should want more foreigners to compete with them when the real wages have declined ? That would defy logic.

    Here, a fresh related evidence. Those who have an open mind should be able to understand this:

    Does the Workplace Welcome Differ?

    Are Americans more welcoming to Asian immigrants than to Hispanics/Latinos? C.N. Le, who directs the Asian American Studies Program at the University of Massachusetts, calls it "a complicated issue." She thinks that "Americans in general are becoming slightly less welcoming to immigrants in general. Part of it has to do with illegal immigration, but it spills over and affects legal immigrants too. There is always workplace tension between those who gets jobs, and those who get left out."

    Talk about this article and get advice on the Diversity at Work message board.

    Here is a fresh poll for you, since you asked: (the poll was not conducted by though).

    QUESTION A: If immigration continues at its current level for the next 50 years, experts estimate that it will add approximately 100 million people to the United States population, which currently is 300 million. Knowing this, would you say the country needs to:
    % SAYING

    NOTE: Typically, poll results for categories are released to the public in rounded numbers that will tend not to add up precisely to 100%.

    REDUCE number of immigrants INCREASE number of immigrants Keep number the same Not sure
    ALL VOTERS 64 3 26 6
    Male 64 3 26 6
    Female 65 2 26 6
    Democrat 59 2 32 6
    Independent 59 4 31 4

    1. Why do you keep mentioning SKIL bill clearly as SKULL bill in all your posts?
    2. Did people clearly indicate they did not want reliefs for EB immigrants - did they accept Lou Dobbs' lies on H-1B such as "H-1Bs do not pay taxes, are cheap labor, are stealing american jobs"?

    02-27 09:06 AM
    Thanks a lot everyone.

    Grand Total - $2162

    Come on folks lets help IV, to get things done for US.


    09-17 12:36 PM
    We are making great progress on this and glad to see tonnes of positive responses. For the people who are viewing this thread first time, please send your name, e-mail, ph number and the amount you are willing to contribute ( in case of a lawsuit ) to man-woman-and-gc who is graciously collecting information for us and adding them in the below spreadsheet. Next steps on the way.

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