Saturday, July 2, 2011

Google Maps Of Africa

images Google Maps South Africa Google Maps Of Africa. Helderfontein on Google Maps.
  • Helderfontein on Google Maps.

  • eastindia
    02-22 09:11 AM
    Anyone still depressed?

    Then come to lobby day in April or contribute money for it.

    wallpaper Helderfontein on Google Maps. Google Maps Of Africa. Watch out for the Africa fire
  • Watch out for the Africa fire

  • ndbhatt
    11-17 04:04 PM
    Done. Also, sent message to my 10 friends. Hope for a viral effect.

    Google Maps Of Africa. Google Maps Image Weird
  • Google Maps Image Weird

  • gc_chahiye
    10-08 01:11 PM
    Being a 2001 PD myself I fully sympathize with you for your trauma and support your notion that the Immigration System should give weightage to the number of years in the US, I do not support the notion of ending retrogression. Given that there are only a finite number of visa quotas, ending retrogression will make the GC a game of Inky-Pinky-Ponky. Either they give it to everyone (all the 800000 that applied) or they do FIFO based on date of entry in the US. If not, the present system of retrogression at least ensures that a person who came into the US in 2007 does not win the Inky-Pinki-Ponky game before a person like me in the queue since 2001. I agree that some extremely unfortunate people like you lose out, but it is still fairer than having no retrogression with the quota limitations in place, as that would be totally unfair.

    I totally miss your point: why is ending retrogression bad? Because all 800K people might get the GC within 6 months? Whats wrong with that? Its not fair to those who have waited longer than others? Dont be a member of the "just because I suffered I want everyone else to suffer" That makes you no different from that talkshow host (who is now a citizen) on the radio channel recently who said he waited 10 years to get his GC, so everyone else also should, otherwise its not "fair"

    Or, are you mixing up ending retrogression with making dates current? No thats not what we want. We want dates made current after the visa supply = demand. Just making all VBs like the July VB is pointless, and does lead to lots of uncertainties. By ending retrogression I mean making sure we have enough visa numbers for all who have been qualified by DOL (LC) and USCIS (I-140), by:
    - ending per-country quota
    - not counting dependents
    - recapturing wasted visa numbers.

    2011 Watch out for the Africa fire Google Maps Of Africa. see Google map of Africa
  • see Google map of Africa

  • pappu
    12-16 12:02 AM
    Been in the US since 1998, have an EB-2 PD of 2001, have played by the rules all along. Still no GC... And, the dates are going back to 2000 from the new year.. I've lost hopes...

    I'm pretty close to getting clinical depression because of this game played by USCIS, Labor Dept, FBI and my own bad luck.

    SKILL bill, OMNIBUS, etc. comes and goes. IV does seem to be doing things to lobby for the community, but let's face one reality. Like a news article said, no one in congress or senate wants to touch immigration even with a long pole until 2009.

    The US has been very good to me (other than the GC part), more than my home country (India) which is why I'm still here.

    Have invested too much of time in this country to just pack up and go. Just curious if any of you feel this way? How do you handle such depressing feelings?

    This is your first post. Welcome to IV. You may want to spend time on the forum and with state chapters. Getting actively involved may help you.

    During the time of IV rally, I happened to speak with an IV member who is here in this country since early 1990s. He has always maintained his legal status and was unfortunate to restart his greencard process several times due to job changes. He did not have a green card at that time and his PD was not very old.


    Google Maps Of Africa. want to check google maps.
  • want to check google maps.

  • gcspace
    01-21 01:29 PM
    I have EB2 PERM and EB3 I140 approved. Since my EB3 PD date is earlier than EB2 PD , my lawyer filed my 485 with EB3 I140.

    Is there any way to find from 485 receipt or application which I140 was used for filing ?

    Google Maps Of Africa. Google Maps Africa with
  • Google Maps Africa with

  • mirage
    03-16 11:09 AM
    They recaptured unused Visas once, somewhere in 1997 I'm not sure exactly when it happened, but that took care of the backlog then.
    The main thing which we are struggling with are the 200K H1B between 1999 & 2001 and one more reason is 245i cases. In the year 2001 Clinton Administration gave Amnesty to Illegals, they were given opportunity to file their 485s with PD of April'2001...Now this is controversial, as I have even asked few lawyers about which categoy they fell in ? Some says 'EB-3' other says 'Other Workers' Category.
    If it is EB-3 you know the answer why the dates haven't passed the big hump of 2001 in last 4 years...
    Good discussion.
    But even if it was 65000, from India, I'm sure most of them took a big slice, lets say 30%= 20,000 H1 visas. And did the 7% quota formula might have existed at that time too. If so, even then there must be quite a big line. Why were things current at any point, they must not be going by these numbers, and even assuming they did the processing without visa losses.


    Google Maps Of Africa. google maps.
  • google maps.

  • tonyHK12
    02-14 08:42 AM
    thanks cleopatra, ajay and silveroaks for your contribution.

    yes, we are way behind on contributions.

    Amount raised = $2600.00
    Contributions needed = $47,400.00

    2010 Google Maps Image Weird Google Maps Of Africa. Google Maps South Africa
  • Google Maps South Africa

  • ivjobs
    07-12 02:40 PM
    New Traps for Aliens Filing for a Green Card (

    does this mean one cannot use wad for primary job?

    There was a whole discussion on one of the threads. There was also an IV Core clarification from USCIS dig it in the threads.


    Google Maps Of Africa. images: google yahoo YouTube
  • images: google yahoo YouTube

  • Lisap
    09-01 07:33 PM
    Hi Lisap
    How come you have EAD card even before the Checks have been cashed?
    i thought Uscis first cashes the checks

    Thats a really good question and I am not sure what to do about it. I checked my account today and still the checks have not been cashed....

    hair see Google map of Africa Google Maps Of Africa. google-map.png
  • google-map.png

  • ramus
    07-04 06:24 PM
    Thanks for all doing all this..

    Please visit following threads too..

    I have e-mailed the senators in Illinois.

    Let's do following to keep this topic alive..

    1) Please e-mail senators to your respective states. You can find the e-mail format from

    2) We should have a rally to local USCIS offices.

    3) We should inform Media well in advance about rally so we can get enough coverage.

    4) We should contact Chinese groups for joining us in our mission.

    This is not a single person mission. We should get to gather at this CRITICAL time.

    Please don't let this fire go away.


    Google Maps Of Africa. Interactive Google map
  • Interactive Google map

  • pappu
    12-15 10:58 AM
    Guys check out this article on Washington Post's website:

    A whole lot of anti-immigrant folks are posting their comments. All the eloquent members of IV, please mount a counter attack!
    contact the author

    hot want to check google maps. Google Maps Of Africa. In May, Google said , we had
  • In May, Google said , we had

  • bijualex29
    05-01 09:57 AM
    I called there office but no clue what SKIL bill is about (Washington DC).
    Can any one explain the source of this bill.


    house Africa Google Maps in Google Maps Of Africa. MAPA FÍSICO-TOPOGRÁFICO

  • TheOmbudsman
    10-26 11:40 AM
    Hi Pineapple,

    That is my favorite fruit !

    Very simple.

    1. We should focus our resources and lobbying efforts to tone down immigration bills on our behalf. Spending our money to go there and put one more soul to say to Sen. Specter "vote for this bill" does not cut it.

    2. We should use our lobbying resources and connections to contact decision makers from NumberUSA, and other major organizations and communicate our plans. We should clearly adopt a position against any bill which supports amnesty and offer a sensible, reasonable and fair quantitative increase in Employment Visa numbers. An example of reasonable proposals would be temporary increase of visa numbers, elimination of visa lottery and reallocation of visa numbes to EB, visa number recapture.

    Thanks for asking.

    The Ombdusman

    TheOmbudsman, what Exactly is the point you are trying to make? You have been moaning about pretty much everything under the sun, but I cannot see a coherent strategy being proposed as an alternative.

    tattoo Google Maps Africa with Google Maps Of Africa. abcnewsradio: Google Maps
  • abcnewsradio: Google Maps

  • tonyHK12
    02-17 11:05 AM
    thanks ub27, gc_on_demand

    This is pathetic.
    Agreed. $5000 is about the same amount a single student paid to TVU, the diploma mill. This used to be the price 1 employee paid a fraud DCC for processing a Green card.
    What more can I say....


    pictures google maps. Google Maps Of Africa. See Google Maps link below.
  • See Google Maps link below.

  • EB3Ind
    09-03 11:41 AM

    today uscis site updated for my spouse regarding EAD card for card produciton.

    applied july1st 2008
    lud july 8th 2008
    card production on site: 09/03/08

    dresses In May, Google said , we had Google Maps Of Africa. Google Map of South Africa
  • Google Map of South Africa

  • smarth
    09-22 09:55 AM
    I-485 application sent on Aug 9th. Checks got enchased on 09/19.


    makeup images: google yahoo YouTube Google Maps Of Africa. Africa Google Maps in
  • Africa Google Maps in

  • dtekkedil
    07-03 10:35 AM
    This is a superb idea. I am game for it. Someone in the DC Area will also need to coordiante press releases to media so there is coverage for this.

    Good idea! Anyone living in or near DC willing to take up this job?

    Can one of our core members let us know if we can start a separate account for this campaign?

    This has to be well planned... all the flowers should reach Emilio's office on the same day!

    The media would love to cover this since this is so "out of the way!"

    Let us get this moving... the longer we wait the less the effect of this will be! The time to act is NOW!

    girlfriend abcnewsradio: Google Maps Google Maps Of Africa. Diamond Mine, South Africa
  • Diamond Mine, South Africa

  • franklin
    06-14 08:07 PM
    Still haven't got mine yet. Attorney suggested another 2 more weeks. Doesn't sound like many (if ANY) have got their receipts yet. The only thing I've seen is that people who paid personally have seen their receipt numbers on cashed check images. This doesn't apply to those who didn't pay personally though.

    Who are all still waiting for Receipt notices? please share your info

    Here are my details
    File on June 1 at NSC
    I-140 approved by NSC
    No Receipt notice
    Checks not cashed yet,

    hairstyles Interactive Google map Google Maps Of Africa. you go to
  • you go to

  • minimalist
    01-30 08:31 PM
    don't have the guts to take care of anything person to person. That will only go to show how right the right things you do are. Do you know how a person that never does a wrong thing ( "I always do the right thing regardless of the time or place") threatens that he will bring people who do not belong in the conversation to the conversation to show how capable he is.
    So let me get this straight, in your culture doing the right thing means cuss others using degrading words directed at their family mebers passes for bravery, which is a "RIGHT THING"

    Now, you haven't answered the questio I posed to you about never doing a wrong thing in your life.

    To answer your question on why they need compassion, he tried to get H1 and earn sme money. Now the economy went down and screwed up his visa status and brought on more possible troubles most of them may or may not materialize.

    You can respond in two way. He got what he deserved or help him find a way out of the mess. Mind you he is already suffering in terms of the tension he has to bear with respect
    to continued stay in US.

    And this response is for you minimalist:

    I don't have to call you names on this forum, I can send you a pvt. message cussing at you like there's no tomorrow There is going to be many references to your monther, dogs, their reproductive organs, some more references to your sisters, and all the female members of your family. You are not going to like what you'll read, but that's what you get for calling me names.

    Coming to your point: Who are those people that are facing legal action again? And you're telling ME, that I dont have compassion? Compassion for who? For someone who has faked resumes, filed for H-1B visas w/o a job offer? And why do you think they deserve compassion?

    05-08 01:39 PM

    VISA BULLETIN FOR JUNE 2009 sets back EB2 priority back to 01JAN00.

    Some thing needs to be done. The easist will be not counting ebdependents in ebquota. This should be very easy. There is no INA law linking ebquota with ebdependents.

    I need IV Core help for this.

    07-02 10:01 AM
    They say, it will reach by noon tomorrow

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