Friday, July 1, 2011

Brown Hair Underneath

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  • Canadian_Dream
    07-08 01:25 PM
    In order to understand the situation please look at Macaca's post on anticipated usage as opposed to real usage. Apart from politics and other pressures, biggest reason for revised July Bulletin is June bulletin itself !!!. June bulletin had a biggest jump in dates in recent past (aside from doomed July bulletin). This lead to a huge number of fillings in June, no one knows how many at this time, but looking at the way receipts are coming out from USCIS they have not finish with receipts of first week of filers. DOS unaware of such huge spike in fillings went ahead and made everything current based on available number of visas. The only way this could have been avoided was USCIS communicating with DOS that June AOS fillings would suffice to exhaust the quota for the year. If the communication between the agency had been sound they would have made everything "U" in the first June bulletin itself. But when the bulletin was out it was too late to do anything. The only thing USCIS could do, was to exhaust the Visa numbers as fast before July 2 the date when flood gates were supposed to be opened. They did just that. That's the ONLY way USCIS could affect DOS bulletin, nothing else would have worked. As far as timings goes, why not early or right after when they realized that June AOS fillings would exhaust the numbers, perhaps because ONLY way to put a hard stop to any filings in June is exhaust the actual numbers not the anticipated demands. Remember exhaustion of the number is the only way to put a complete stop in fillings, anticipated demands are used only to set the dates in the bulletin. That explains the timings, USICIS needed every single day in June to finish the numbers and they just did that!!!!
    In conclusion reversal of bulletin is less of a conspiracy and more of the bad planning and execution and primary reason for reversal is June bulletin’s big jump. That’s my 2 cents on the matter.

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  • pani_6
    03-26 04:49 PM
    There will be forward movement in June or July ..not sure how eb3 india would move..may be 03 and revert back..

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  • GCBy3000
    07-19 11:13 PM
    I am in for $100.

    By the way if we have 20,000 members and even if each pledge $5, we can reimburse the core team expenses. How often we have to teach and tell the Math to our so called highly skilled free riders.

    Some should be feeling really guilty for using IV and not contributing till now. Come out the stingy attitude and help.

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  • abq_gc
    08-18 01:16 PM
    I think we have a provable point as per the USCIS CSR msg "We approve all cases based on the order they are received". So basically it says Approval based on ND. Approving Oct'07 NDs and not approving (not even touching) Jul-Sep NDs makes a valid point.
    I am not sure how to put our case based on PD because to me PD serves the purpose of passport to get in and then line is formed by ND. But sure, if anyone could put some thoughts and define the situation, I think its well worth to try something different now.

    yeah.. even ND is not being followed... and why give a PD when they have to follow ND anyways ? So wait for 5 years in queue and then due to USCIS lottery system my application gets assigned a later ND... i have to suffer ??? WOW ... that's nice.... that's what's called INJUSTICE...


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  • vkrishn
    08-24 11:12 AM
    Any approvals this week? Seems to be slow.. Wait continues!

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  • SKK2004
    08-25 04:35 PM
    Being out of the backlog elimination center and waiting in this line since 2004, trust me when I say this circus isn't new to me :)!

    your are very welcome.

    Chill, relax and live everyday ( this USCIS circus is no fun).


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  • senthil1
    12-10 11:22 PM
    This could be one side of story. There were other posts which was mentioning about some fake resumes given by some Indian consultancy companies. So all those are isolated cases and we cannot take into account. I am seeing lot of hard working Americans and Indians as well. Also a family person with 2 kids cannot spend 12 or 16 hours per day compared to Bachlors(Most of the Bachlors who are spending 12 to 16 hours are H1b persons). If assesment is done based on that then that does not make any sense. Then do you thinkyou need to fire more than 35 year Old people and recruit 25 year people That is not American way. This country for long time Top rankholders as well as school dropouts also could survive and Lead a decent quality of life. I knew lot of Indians most of them gc holders and some H1b also those who were just average in skills had tough time in getting job between 2000 to 2004 because of more number of H1B people and also economy was bad. So there is no surprise some Americans also might have similar situation. But past 2 years everybody I knew were able to get job and survive well. This is because of economy and also because of limited H1b. But Corporations are asking too much h1b(unlimited by 20% automatic increase every year and exemption for MS people). Certainly that will kill the demand in job market and bring down the rates. I think H1B increase should be compromise between demand and supply. Otherwise there is going to be huge opposition. Congress cannot only favor Business. But as a Senator they have to take care of all groups of people. There may be a possiblity that H1b increase may happen but EB relief may not happen not that much strong lobbey from Business compared to H1B. American companies lie Micosoft, Intel culd not get H1B people because Indian consultancy companies grabbed all the H1bs in first few weeks of April and May not because of numbers. So that is a differentind of problem

    Beleive it or not I found this posting in

    My 8 selfish American colleagues almost costed our company a $1.8 million project, simply because they could not cancel their preplanned trip to Bahamas. They went on their trip despite being warned 8 months in advance by our boss about a possible tough period during the critical design review of the project by the customer during the month of December.

    My 5 hardworking H1B employees helped us out with the project resource planning,allocation layouts, financial statements, project planning and estimation analysis. 3 of them cancelled their trip to their home country just to save our business.

    My boss is absolutely incensed and is going to fire these workers once they come back from their vacation.

    Agreed that they are not expected to work more than 40 hours per week but during tough times their should be a certain sense of committment and solidarity towards your employer which was clearly lacking in my American colleagues.

    According to my boss the current generation of American college graduates is the laziest he has ever seen and clearly ill equipped to handle tough job assignments during a time of crisis. He is lobbying very hard to get the SKIL bill passed and increase access for American businesses to global talent.

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  • tonyHK12
    02-10 10:31 AM
    Here is the transcript

    00:31:28 As president trump who would be the first person you would say you're fired to?
    00:31:34 >> They want me to say, look, i have had -- >> they want you to say if -- >> if you're president -- >> who's the number one bad guy right now you would fire in america?
    00:31:48 >> Well, can I be honest?
    00:31:50 I don't want to say -- there's so many of them.
    00:31:51 There really are.
    00:31:53 There are so many of them.
    00:31:54 You look at the department of education.
    00:31:55 It goes for blocks and blocks and blocks.
    00:31:59 Education should really be -- we have to -- like a little bit of supervision.
    00:32:03 >> You wouldn't argue -- >> it should be a local thing.
    00:32:07 >> I was going to mention education to you because the last word with the chinese, isn't it that they are educating their people better now than america is doing and that's why they're also jumping ahead?
    00:32:19 Isn't that true?
    00:32:20 >> You know where they're educating a lot of their people?
    00:32:23 At our schools.
    00:32:24 It's the most amazing thing.
    00:32:25 They come over, they learn, they go to harvard, they go to wharton, they go to yale, they go to the best schools, then we force them to leave.
    00:32:30 >> Okay.
    00:32:31 >> No, no, we force them to leave.
    00:32:34 >> When we come back, I'll ask you as a man who wins and knows how to pick a winner, which is where I come in, how are we going to win?

    looks like there is some hope for us in 2013 if the elections go well :) This is all in good humor though , no one expects DT to upset the apple cart.


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  • glus
    05-23 09:10 AM
    It took me a while since their lines are busy. I sent faxes to my local senators and to those:
    Patrick J. Leahy
    Arlen Specter
    Chuck Hagel
    Diane Feinstein
    John Cornyn
    Harry Reid
    Mitch McConnell
    Mel Martinez
    Trent Lott
    Lindsey Graham

    I created a personal 1-page fax based on IV template and asked to include:
    1. More immigrant visas for those who are in the queue alredy(employment based)
    2. Asked for easy H1B 3-year extensions like in the present law
    3. Allow to file I485 without visa numbers
    4. Showed how illegals are being rewarded for breaking the laws, and how the legals are being punished by current bill.

    Guys, it may take a while, but do e-mails and faxes. The hardest fax to reach was sen. Reid's office.

    Go IV go....

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  • another_wei
    08-26 03:46 PM
    As it starts with Axxx, I think it should be Alien Number.

    Very strange i mail my I-485 on July 19th and got my receipts and check cashed. But I see other peoples who mailed July 2nd and they are still waiting for receipt? Why is that? Does not make sense.


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  • JunRN
    10-04 08:22 PM
    EAD Receipt # is different from i485 Receipt #. What i know though is that i485 receipting is a pre-requisite of EAD receipting.


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  • guchi472000
    03-26 09:41 AM
    My PD is EB2 Nov 2006.


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  • 485Mbe4001
    10-27 02:10 PM
    I agree with you on this kaka. I heard Ed Royce speak yesterday on how the house forced the fence bill without amnesty and how they plan on killing that bill. He even talked on on how they managed to force the president to have a pulblic ceremony to sign the bill instead of a small private one that the white house wanted. There is little hope that he and people like him will ever vote on anything that supports our requirements, even if the democrats win the house they will need lots of republican support to pass anything. Skill will always be linked to CIR.

    Dont worry . it is not going to pass

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  • pa_arora
    07-09 02:39 PM
    I was talking abut this from the past 1 year approx (going on the streets). Good that we have finally decided to get ourselves heard on those deaf ears.

    I am in for SJ.

    One more suggestion, even if we dont see too much gathering there we should not stop here & should keep doing this atleast every couple of months.


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  • shantak
    02-03 05:23 PM
    I have been waiting for the FP in the hope that they will be issuing it soon, its already Feb and I have not received it yet. Im the only one who has not recieved the notice yet in my friends circle, I have opened an SR last week. Mine is TSC application. Are there any TSC guys yet to receive the FP notices. Overall are there a significant number of people still waiting or is it just a few of us

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  • alterego
    12-10 12:58 PM
    Why don't posters on this forum move back to their home country and concentrate on making their home country great instead of slamming into someone else's country and just living off the wealth others have created?

    The bottom line is that a SKIL act is not needed. Hundreds of thousands of American programmers have lost their job to the third world, both in outsourcing and insourcing of third world programmers who work for cheaper wages. There is absolutely no need for more foreigners here and no need for more green cards. Temporary workers are just that - temporary. If you are on a temporary visa, work your time, make some money for your family and head home when your time is up. Don't cry that we don't provide enough green cards when you knew what kind of visa you were on.

    This guys ignorance is clear and not based in the reality of the world today. He and his kind think by keeping those like us out, they can influence the demand supply dynamics of the labour market, indeed shallow, hillbilly economics.
    That would perhaps have been true 25 yrs ago when capital was relatively locked in.
    The reality now is Capital is freely mobile even if skills are not (and that too is open to debate due to the Internet) and from the looks of the trade deficits, thats one battle america is losing. If the capital flows start reversing due to such things as immigration policies, they ought to prepare for a plummetting dollar, high interest rates, mega inflation, and shortages in commodities. That will make the movie Apocalypto seem like a gentle transition.
    His kind do not realise that skilled immigrants are not a threat, they are anchors of capital/investment to this country so that their kind can continue to enjoy their current lifestyle.
    Fortunately for this great land his ignorant/xenophobic kind are a vocal but ignored minority, the last election demonstrated this. Pity that the republican party which at its core has good policies, is infested by this group.


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  • spulapa
    02-02 10:22 AM
    I just visited last month. I stayed there for 6 weeks...

    Agree that economy is booking but....

    (1) too much pollution.
    (2) No infrastructure to handle cars and two wheeleers.
    (3) too much mosquito even in winter/summer. I do not know what will happen in rainy days.
    (4) prices for every item have gone up by 3X..Most of the item I am not able to justify the rise. The quality of the product has not gone up.
    (5) easy to set up business..get house...get car but tough to drive peacefully...need to pray god every morning so that we come back home with 2 hands and 2 legs and unbroken body parts.
    (6) Club culture is booming if you have daughter who is teen then need to check by that angle too.

    Just my two cents....

    I was all along with you till the 6th point, the statement you made clearly implies that it is ok if a Boy goes and screws others daughters but you need to keep a check on the girl ??? Is this liberty and freedom to you ?

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  • sweet_jungle
    11-07 01:13 PM
    Thanks much.

    What is the email address that you sent this to?

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  • dtekkedil
    07-09 06:51 PM
    Let me know if you have already mailed these people.

    05-09 11:53 PM
    However, please understand, we are asking for "fair" and "equitable" treatment for those who are already inside the country and devoted sufficient time of their life here. To me this means "justice." I can very well relate to your desperation and anger, but please don't react emotionally. The legal or technical fact remains that no-one guranteed us GC and truth of the matter is most of us said "No" when immigration officer asked " do you have plans to settle in State?" So their is no question of equitable treatment.

    ... it is possible that EB Indians are targeted by this administration. Infact in good times of this country we have done it a lot of favor instead of our home country. Now is the time to ask for "rights" for our contribution.. No Sir, I can't say thier is conspiracy as I know of none. As of us doing favor? ... is completly wrong, we all knew what and why we are coming here for. Had we had better choice we would have opted for that. Let's be honest to ourselves.

    ...So is it something that immigration is privilege when they need it and then chuck us out when they dont? Are you upto accepting that we are commodities to be used and thrown when they like? That my friend is captilism and welcome to USA. No I am not going to accept, but I am also not going to wave my fist in air and cry in-justices.

    I am sorry to sound rude and know you must be going thru a lot and this news made things worst for you, as they did for all of us. But lets also accept the truth and believe me, things will change .... they will, when? I don't know but they will. Just don't lose hope.

    07-05 01:35 PM
    I think you have already decided to send flowers to make more impact change the message from "Get well soon" which I don't think anybody is going to get, send something "You have screwed my life, I hope you have a good day".

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