Friday, July 1, 2011

the gold rush tools

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  • Gold Rush slideshow.

  • NKR
    08-18 07:58 AM
    One of my friend got "Card Production Ordered" email. He is EB2-I, PD Jan 2006, RD- Sep 30 2007, NSC.
    Mine is Dec 2005 and still waiting. So what is going on with NSC? Are they also doing the same thing that TSC is doing? latest cases first?

    What is your RD?. I think they are going by RD but I am not sure.
    my RD is 10th Oct, ,my PD is May 2004.

    wallpaper Gold Rush slideshow. the gold rush tools. 2010 1858 after the gold rush
  • 2010 1858 after the gold rush

  • msandhu
    07-22 10:29 AM
    Hey guys

    My PR card in Canada was not issued; they rejected the photos I submitted with the original application. Now they're asking I submit new ones in PERSON!

    I will need to get a Canadian Travel document now to re-enter Canada now. Does anyone know how long it takes to get that issued?

    Plus, Since I'm using AP as well the whole re-entering the US with the Canadian Visas in my passport is once again an issue. I'm considering giving up on the PR card, since I've technically already completed my landing; I can re-apply for the PR card if and when I decide to move to Canada permanently. Can you guys advise?


    I did my landing last weekend. It went smoothly. At the port of entry ( at Niagra falls) Immigration officer said that my pictures that they have will not work and they took new pictures right there. The immigration offices also explained that if i am going back to US and then entering Canada again by land , all i need to show are the landing paper that he attached with my passport. If we plan to travel by air then it might cause some issues and its better to have the card. The thing that he made clear to me is that i do not need PR card to enter Canada again by land.
    Hope this helps

    the gold rush tools. from the gold rush-era
  • from the gold rush-era

  • RockyRocky
    09-03 02:47 PM
    I got the welcome notice in mail.
    I got the cards in the mail.

    I did not get the 'approval notice' yet(mailed on aug 22).
    Does it matter?

    sk2006, could you please share more details ?? like when exactly you got card production email , when u got approval notice email and when exactly u received physical GC.

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  • are all gold rush tools

  • anukcs
    09-02 11:33 PM
    Received 'Card Production Ordered' email for my EAD few minutes back. Had received the same email yesterday for my wife. AP was approved for both me and my wife on 7/24. RD is 6/19/08 and ND is 6/23/08.

    I am now relieved since I am currently working on EAD and current EAD expires on 10/4.



    the gold rush tools. house THE GOLD RUSH IN ONTARIO

  • akilaakka
    07-24 09:45 AM
    EAD applied on June 04, 2008
    EAD production ordered June 27, 2008
    EAD received July 03, 2008

    the gold rush tools. Has the new quot;Gold Rushquot;
  • Has the new quot;Gold Rushquot;

  • Maverick1
    10-09 05:10 PM
    "Sorry, we are closed now." ???

    Heck, no !!! I want fries with that !!!

    With transfat or without transfat ?


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  • dresses images the gold rush

  • pani_6
    12-10 08:14 AM
    My concern is that if CIR does not get taken up sooner that may be postponed to 09 due to election politics being a hot potato issue...what I would suggest is that we start working from the first day the congress starts and whether through QGA or through indiviual senators try to pass just non-contraversial benefits like ability to file EAD after I-140, recapture of Visa numbers and Spouse and kid not included in the Visa numbers and intorduce this bill and try to pass it.

    What we need is a interim EB bill.

    The first stpes may be to indentify all non-contraversial issues and then come to a common understanding on those...advise all state chapters meet thier senators about these same issue(ALL members are talking the same)
    Intorduce these no later than End of Jan 07 for discussion. in senate..Lets explain to them that its going on getting postponed due to the fact senators are postponing the benefits to us syaing it will be included in the CIR...and so on...they have been very sincere in delaying this intentionally....

    If we need to get started on the first day of congress I suggest we start getting organozed now...

    What do you guys think!!

    2010 from the gold rush-era the gold rush tools. During The Gold Rush?
  • During The Gold Rush?

  • apahilaj
    02-15 11:40 AM
    Count me in...

    It seems like I've got the oldest Notice date of 8/27 who has not received the biometrics yet. Infopass was pure waste of time as well.


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  • makeup The Australian gold

  • makemygc
    08-09 10:46 AM
    My lawyer told my checks cashed today. My details
    EB2 -> PD Sept 2003
    I140-> Applied to NSC-> Approved by TSC->March 2007
    I485->Applied to NSC -> Delived to NSC on 26th June-> checks cashed on Aug 9th by TSC

    TSC is moving like a snail. Last week we saw just couple of cases getting receipt or checks chased for Jun 26 or less and even this week TSC has not moved a day.

    Is there anyone who got their checks cashed for the TSC case submitted to NSC on June 27th onwards?

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  • venkybr
    09-24 11:18 AM
    Anybody whose 485 transferred from NSC to VSC, received FP notice?


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  • trueguy
    07-27 07:29 PM
    I agree. If "vertical spillover" occurs again, the only benefit would go to EB3-ROW.

    It is very very difficult to convince anyone to overflow EB2 ROW -> EB3 ROW -> EB3 I (leaving EB2 I out of loop). (eventhough USCIS did it in past)

    If someone tries to re-interprete, it will end up like:EB2 ROW -> EB3 ROW -> EB2I -> EB3 I, still no real benefit to EB3 I; only EB2 I will loose with some benefit to EB3 ROW.

    Bottom line is, we need more visa numbers and that's what we need to campaign for. May it be recapture, or STEM exemption or anything else.

    I am not saying this just because I am EB2, but these are the facts. Additionally, there is a big chance of new immigration law as soon as new president comes (likely some form of CIR) and we need to be prepared to have our agenda included in that; rather than splitting ourselves.

    Earlier it was like this:

    EB2 ROW --> EB3 ROW

    If any left over after that then remaining numbers were equally divided between EB2-I/C and EB3-I/C so both EB2-I and EB3-I were getting equal share of spillover. Thats the way it should be.

    hot house THE GOLD RUSH IN ONTARIO the gold rush tools. The California Gold Rush
  • The California Gold Rush

  • Springflower
    09-12 01:48 PM
    I have received receipts for I-485/EAD/AP applications for me and my wife on September 10th, 2007. They came from CA service center (numbers start with: WAC).

    Contributed $50. Signed up for $50/month recurring contribution.

    PD: March 2004 (EB3 - India)
    Labor approved: Jan 2006
    I-140 approved: Feb 2006 (NSC)
    I-485/EAD/AP applied: July 6th, 2007 (NSC)
    Checks cashed: 09/08/2007
    Receipts received: 09/10/2007


    house about the Gold Rush in the the gold rush tools. California-gold-rush-mining-
  • California-gold-rush-mining-

  • pbuckeye
    02-15 09:35 AM
    Great initiative IV. Finally signed up for monthly contributions. If that doesn't count towards the event fund, will make a one time contribution as well.

    Here is the paypal info for the monthly subscription:

    Donation to Support Immigration Voice (User: pbuckeye)
    Unique Transaction ID # 8TU01799C9450725Y
    Subscription # S-55296973D5390092N

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  • PavanV
    02-02 01:31 PM
    [QUOTE=shreekhand;2310147]Nobody is holding them back and that is the very reason they are planning to go back... got it ?

    Your rant in the post of all things, especially about the caste system seems like the half baked knowledge of a westerner bloating and carrying the caste "issue" to stratospheric levels!

    I don't from what area in India exposed you to your experiences, but apart from the ridiculous reservations and quota system, there have been no caste related issues that I or my family faced while in western India. Be it working with people from all castes, making friends with them or really helping the neglected. This was the case with my neighbors or any relatives.

    This shows how ignorant you are about the most prevailing and backward situation in INDIA. Unfortunately the above comments show you like the cat drinking the milk closing eyes thinking nobody is watching her.
    Do you even know why the quota system was introduced. it is a different thing that it is not being utilized the way it had to be put into use. You are just from western part of India don't speak as though you are from western part of the world. I guess you don't watch the news where they speak about the various atrocities done on the backward class by the forward class. I feel sorry for your ignorance that is all I can do. When possible go to any NGO social service people and ask about caste system and they will give you ample stories which might shatter your belief. What I agreed with the fellow IV member was on a different issue and I acknowledge the fact that things are wrong in each part of the world and every country has its own share of issues. Just like nobody is perfect not every place is perfect. But not acknowledging the fact that something is so widely prevalent in India just shows how far as an individual you are away from reality.

    These day's there more atrocities by the backward class on the forward classes, why does one need reservation ?, think about it, there has been slavery here in the united states similar to what has been in India, India is now a secular and democratic country, with opportunities for all, but one has reservation there, so in a similar sense, the blacks/ latino's would also need reservation here ??. It does not matter where you are, if you have the attitude that you have been deprived / subjugated, you will turn up the same if you are in the US or India or for that matter the moon !, to me, you should stay back in the US, let the US deal with your problem of caste/ class.


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  • pictures california gold rush

  • rdehar
    10-09 12:02 PM
    So, while we are amusing ourselves:

    How about ancestoral property?
    How about skymiles?
    Number of children?
    number of posts on IV:D

    dresses The California Gold Rush the gold rush tools. At the time of the gold rush,
  • At the time of the gold rush,

  • psk79
    08-22 10:12 PM
    I got my EAD today...Even i received my EAD also...Mine is sent to NSC on july 2nd...I received EAD's from Texas Center...I think my application was transferred to Texas...I have approved I-140 from Texas...Are receipt numbers for EAD, 485, AP are in serial? I haven't received receipts yet...I filled attorney did not receive my receipts...I don't know what is going on...

    AWESOME !!!! CANT WAIT TO GET OUR DAMN RECEIPTS!!!!!!!!!! GLAD TO SEE THE SECOND CASE OF TExas I140 with NSC I485 filing!!!!!!!!!!


    makeup makeup The Australian gold the gold rush tools. about the Gold Rush in the
  • about the Gold Rush in the

  • hindu_king
    05-08 02:28 PM
    The EB-2 category for Indian nationals has retrogressed four years and will be set at January 1, 2000 for applications received beginning June 1st. If you are from China, the backlog is five years less - February 15, 2005. And if you are from any other country in the world, there is no wait at all. I am really appalled that Congress allows such an unjust distribution methodology to remain the law. No country is permitted to claim more than 7% of the numbers in a green card category. That means tiny countries like Andorra and Botswana get the same...

    More... (

    I think we should protest in front of capitol with placards reading "End Discrimination by National Origin". "USCIS practices Racism", "End Racism in Legal Immigration" "Remove country Caps", "Country Caps = Racism", "Choose Merit, Not Race". We should set up a tent and do a huger strike.

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  • hot Founded in the Gold Rush

  • Leo07
    11-21 09:42 AM

    All the suggestions/information in these forums is from peoples personal experiences. Yours is a very unfortunate situation, please rely only on a first-hand information from an attorney.

    God will help you. Have Faith.

    God Bless you!

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  • gold rush tools and methods.

  • rdehar
    04-30 01:00 PM
    Are we going to see the bulletin move to 2002,2003,2004,2005 ? in the next year .. wow its backed up 7 yrs..
    Any realistic numbers how many EB3 India pending cases are there with PDs in each of 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 ...

    Anyone know any links, USCIS keeps on posting some data all the time.

    07-28 03:09 PM
    As far i know in the whole world, nobody thinks about the group unless it is beneficial to himself(herself) first. This is natural human mentality, there is nothing wrong in it. Only exception is "Saints". I don't think we are Saints.

    The visecral reaction to my thread (not threat!) has only gone to prove my hypothesis - self interest is the ONLY binding factor amongst 'highly skilled' workers

    No one can claim to be 'superior' by virtue of their EB classification and take refuge under the current system by preaching that "it is what it is, you accepted it, so play by it!". What a sudden love fest for a system that you cared to fix not too long ago? So, what changed? The sudden realization that there are a few erudite and vocal EB3 I's that can speak their mind and ask the difficult questions?!

    Willwin is a rare gem that could see the point in my earlier thread ... Others, my post is not 'ugly', it is the reflection that you see when I hold a mirror up to you. Dont like it? Dont blame me.

    Others are scared sh*it that the real deal will be revealed. Just goes to prove that if the current system goes to serve YOUR narrow self interest, you will go to no end to justify it AND defend it... even at the cost of creating deep divides amongst a larger group. Suddenly, your sense of outrage has been channeled against EB3 I's seeking a voice and not against the 'system' that you claimed to care fixing. Nice. A chameleon would be proud to welcome you to the family.

    Dont worry. Sleep easy, no one is going to call Ron or a shrink. I have exposed the duplicity that defines your being ... and you can rest easy knowing that your sense of 'logical reasoning and moral outrage' cannot stand scrutiny on a simple b-board, let alone a court of law ...

    Lets get together to help fix this problem. Let EB3 I's find their voice and make the appeals that they need to. They DO NOT need the approval or outrage of EB2's trying to protect their new found turf. Get the drift?

    Many EB3 I's have waited 5+ years in dead end jobs and possibly single incomes only to see EB2 come hither and walk easy. No jealousy or blame. Just the hard question to those that holler back "dont complaint EB2 was meant to be a higher category" ... want to respond to a "higher calling" ... i.e., holding up your petitions to objective scrutiny not prejudiced by narrow goals?

    After all, one would find that MOST work done by EB2 I's does not really require a Masters degree. Just ask a high school Java whizkid.

    I rest my case and will not waste my time responding to emotional outbursts or getting dragged into the cesspit of poor logic. Got it?


    05-02 01:20 PM
    non retrogressed countries: The delay will be none (normally) / fewmonths (worst case ) as both their eb and fb volumes are minimal.

    Let us not forget we are talking about FB2A cat, with large quota of 114,200. plus it gets unused FB1.

    Plus it is fair to interpret the law as it is.
    I think the FB2A category has a cutoff date of 08OCT04 according to the current bulletin.

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