Monday, June 27, 2011

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  • guy03062
    07-06 07:44 PM
    30th June.

    Hey when have u mailed ur papers?????29thjune or 30th june and when is ur PD?


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  • rp0lol
    08-12 02:05 PM
    What does ADIT processing means any idea is that we need to go to local USCIS office for the interview?

    Your new permanent resident card should be mailed within 60 days following this registration or after you complete any ADIT processing referred to in the welcome notice, whichever is later. If you move before you get your new card call customer service. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.

    I posted it in a new thread but it is not appearing in the home page links

    ADIT (I-551) stamping

    Applicant appears at local USCIS for ADIT processing. Applicant will not be scheduled for an ADIT appointment, ADIT processing is done by "walk-in" basis ONLY.

    Once the applicant adjusts his/her status by completing ADIT processing, s/he is given the I-551 permanent resident stamp in his/her passport.

    Courtesy of --- Jackson & Hertogs

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  • test101
    07-09 06:47 PM

    Now we should let the media know . Walter Reed ! could not ask for a better place. The Patient and soldier deserve it . My heart goes to them as an RN.

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  • diptam
    06-27 11:53 AM
    Point1) makes me perplexed - Can there be agreements with open ended
    time periods.

    But whatever is the exit strategy i will end up paying almost $10,000 as lawyer fees.

    There are many points on which this agreement can be defended.
    1. No fixed time period. Staying upto 1 year after getting GC is same as saying work until the car engine for the company CEO's car goes out. Nobody can predict either one.
    2. Usually waiver of filing lawsuit by employee involves sum of money for its consideration. Many employer pay employee month salary (or part/multiple) to offer agreement for not suing. Agreement terms without consideration are usually null and void. For example, I can't have agreement with you that you will deliver free newspaper without stating consideration/compensation for you.
    3. Company can claim for GC Expenses and other related expenses if employee leaves within reasonable and agreed period. So probably $10,000 is in the agreement to cover that.

    Now for the bad news, defending this agreement could cost much more than $10,000, besides time and hassles. More so, if employee and employer are in two different states as employer can file suit in their state. In short, $10,000 is cost of moving out of this job at the time of your choice. You could also look at it as the added cost of GC.

    I suggest you should consider making a plan to move in your life and career. As they say, freedom is priceless.

    Good Luck.

    Not a legal advice.
    Green Card holder since May 2002

    desi3933 at


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  • stucklabor
    06-26 10:25 AM

    Let us focus on CIR and its aftermath. I understand everyone is frustrated because of the standstill on legal high skilled immigration reform. However, that does not excuse speculation on America's demographics 10 years from now, and gross pejorative generalizations about ethnic groups and nationalities. As Mpkmaster pointed out, no culture is free from deficiencies. I have never been to Mexico but I am sure corruption there can't be worse than corruption in India.

    Mpkmaster, there is a specific method to report offensive posts. Please follow it the next time round, as there is no guarantee that grossly offensive posts will be read by the moderators. Thanks for speaking up.

    And in response to Jaime, please do not let a few bad posts detract from the rest of the forums. There is a reason that people are frustrated. There is no progress on CIR and our cause is really a political football. We are not powerful enough or large enough in numbers yet for politicians to sit up and take notice of us.

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  • sgupta33
    11-07 02:10 PM
    i am pasting the format. just higlight the receipt date in all cases. no need of metioning notice dat. it should not be counted at all.

    Dear Mr. Prakash ,

    My name is xxxxxx and I am currently working at xxxxx as xxxx.

    My I-485 was filed on July 2,2007 as an employment based application. My wife, xxxxxx, application was filed as a derivative applicant. It has been over 4 months and I have not yet got an apointment for finger printing. I called up USCIS and got a response from Nebraska Service center, where my application is currently pending, that my case is waiting for an opening at local ASC.

    We, residents of Bay Area, are suffering a lot from fingerprinting backlog, due to presence of few ASCs.
    Also, my case was receipted at CSC and transferred back to NSC. Such cases are taking unusually longer for FP appointments. This is quite frustrating as there are other people directly receipted at NSC in August who have got fingerpinting.

    I would greatly appreciate if you could take steps to speed up the process of fingerpinting appointments.

    My details:


    My wife's details:


    Thanks a lot for your time

    Thank you for this information.


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  • diptam
    06-27 11:53 AM
    Point1) makes me perplexed - Can there be agreements with open ended
    time periods.

    But whatever is the exit strategy i will end up paying almost $10,000 as lawyer fees.

    There are many points on which this agreement can be defended.
    1. No fixed time period. Staying upto 1 year after getting GC is same as saying work until the car engine for the company CEO's car goes out. Nobody can predict either one.
    2. Usually waiver of filing lawsuit by employee involves sum of money for its consideration. Many employer pay employee month salary (or part/multiple) to offer agreement for not suing. Agreement terms without consideration are usually null and void. For example, I can't have agreement with you that you will deliver free newspaper without stating consideration/compensation for you.
    3. Company can claim for GC Expenses and other related expenses if employee leaves within reasonable and agreed period. So probably $10,000 is in the agreement to cover that.

    Now for the bad news, defending this agreement could cost much more than $10,000, besides time and hassles. More so, if employee and employer are in two different states as employer can file suit in their state. In short, $10,000 is cost of moving out of this job at the time of your choice. You could also look at it as the added cost of GC.

    I suggest you should consider making a plan to move in your life and career. As they say, freedom is priceless.

    Good Luck.

    Not a legal advice.
    Green Card holder since May 2002

    desi3933 at

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  • n2b
    08-13 11:29 AM
    Ok saw the Receipts - The ND is 8/4/2007 (they are working on Saturdays)


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  • skd
    07-10 05:36 PM
    Any Rallies near Portland Area ?

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  • manja
    02-01 07:27 PM
    The link to the contribution page in pappu's post is not working. I want to contribute for the event. Is there any special page through which donations for this event are collected? Or can I just make one time contribution from the home page?


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  • velan
    06-26 01:01 PM

    Guys don't talk about what undocumented workers are going to get, every one has their own story. Instead of comparing like they are going to get these and those, we need to concentrate on what we want. We don't even need to spend lot of time to discuss in this forum about what undocumented workers are going to get, nobody knows when they will get these privileges. In USA you don't get anything that easily, you have to work hard to earn it.

    We need to concentrate on IV goals to remove the retrogression and backlog elimination by spreading IV its agenda to our friends to get more funds and members. I believe this approach will help us to achieve our goals, instead talking about about legal vs. illegal.

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  • tonyHK12
    02-10 07:17 PM
    thanks spulgur, RSM1444 for your contribution.

    There has been some pickup in contributions, however based on this average, we may only reach 25% of our funding goal. Some things like reserving conference rooms, appointments, need to be done well in advance.
    If anyone already has other large financial commitments you could even send a check for a smaller amount and post it here for accounting. Please also let all your friends know about this event and attend and/or contribute. I promise to contribute more.

    Amount raised = $2100.00
    Contributions needed = $47,900.00


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  • brij523
    12-10 11:58 AM
    Hi other IV users,

    Did you read the post I wrote above? I think IV need some member who can do foot work. I think IV will agree with my assessment. What is others assessment? If we want to get something done we have to make some strategic and concentrated move.
    Not everything could be written on this site.
    If you are interested PM me. We can talk privately.

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  • madhuvj
    09-15 05:10 PM
    Come on Guys,

    We need more people to break the USCIS back. We can do it. It will not only help people who are currently facing the repercussion of this unreasonable USCIS actions, it will help others. Just think about, It could help your friends, relatives, brothers, sisters, cousins and all people....

    This effort is to raise our voice towards the unfair treatment we have been receiving from USCIS since 2002. The First was the huge labor backlog, then came the ever-pending NameChecks, then came the July 2007 fiasco, then the approval of cases based on 485 ND and RD when people with PD < 2004 are waiting for years, then the frequent retrogressions. There are lot of people who got a single year EAD because PD was current till 2006 until last month. Now the dates have gone back to 2003 and no one knows when it will reach 2006 again. This is ridiculous. We need to raise our voice, otherwise, we will not see any light in the future. This is a nice opportunity to come together guys. COME UNITED guys.


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  • PD_Dec2002
    06-22 01:29 PM
    My labour and I-140 is approved last year and I am working with current employer from last 1 and half years. Employer is making good money trough me.

    As now the dates are current, my employer is trying to exploit me.
    He is not responding to my mails, and not picking my phone.

    Last modified message which I got from him is that:

    The whole financials for the company changes with filing 485 for you immediately. So, it is definitely a loss for company to process your 485 immediately.

    you need to come with items that you are ready to compromise in return; so that the company also benefits by helping you."

    I am very much in tension and he is talking to me.

    Can someone suggest what may be the option for me?

    Well, just say that you will bear ALL expenses associated with filing I-485. That way the only expense for the employer will be a few cents to photocopy and give you the approved copy of I-140.

    If you can get the employment letter as well, that's awesome. Otherwise, just use two recent pay stubs. And for those who are going to jump in and say, "No, employment letter is absolutely required...", well, it is not. It's good to have one in case USCIS want it, but not mandatory.


    P.S.: I am guessing the net financials of your company must be $5000/year otherwise I don't see how paying for your I-485 affects the company's bottomline! :-) Of all the BS, this excuse is a winner!!

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  • nrk
    09-10 01:06 PM
    Hi Kalyan,

    I diagree with you. If you get your GC, you plan to buy a home here and try to settle here. so in my words if you get GC then no more remittances.

    People on H1 they are not sure whether to buy a home or assets here, what if the case i need to go back due to my visa etc.



    Though i can't do it, as i am in India after my Visa Denial, some group of people should adopt Gandhiri priniciples and do a fast unto death principile before the White House while others should support all the people who are fasting.

    Otherwise, our talks will never get noticed.

    India got 52Billion $ in Remittances . Most of them from US. No GC means more remittances.

    Think collectively and do something big.


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  • nkavjs
    09-12 01:46 PM
    My app was sent to NSC on 7/2 but I-140 approved from TSC. Still no receipts, no checks encashed. Called USCIS, and they asked me to call after 90 days. Any ideas ? Is anyone else in the same boat ?

    I am in exactly same boat, with no idea about my pending application.
    Absolutely hate this feeling.

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  • ilwaiting
    05-04 04:38 PM
    No pun intended here. But I was a fresher too at some point of time in my life!!!. Didn't mean to offended anyone. Anyway, I think this is a pointless discussion. Congress is going to do what they want to do. I just wanted to putforth my thoughts in my previous message.

    Also, I would think I would benefit from any law they pass pertaining to EB.

    I just dont understand the logic that If these "kids" get off the queue how will I get it. If the kids get out in a year i may have to wait another 2+ years to get a GC. I really dont see how having US degree in their hands helps. Let me take my example I was hired 3 years after college directly from my country from an multi-billion dollar market cap company from here. I quit that in 3 years and joined some other company that is a different thing.
    And as far as studying here that is your problem if you want to spend money and study. As far as being helpful to US I have paid a lot more in terms of Taxes and other things than someone who has 3 years and mostly studied here on assitantships. And also being a hiring manager for the company have hired may US citizens as well.
    Im not trying to create a division here. All I'm trying to say is that everyone needs to be helped not just only with Masters degrees.

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  • n_2006
    06-15 10:16 AM
    Receipts only recieved by lawyer? Will benefeciary get any updates?

    Hey all,
    Got the receipt notice today...
    Application date 06/01
    RD 06/05
    Service Center - NSC
    My lawyers received the receipt number through mail. You guys should be getting is soon.

    04-21 04:19 PM
    I could not control my feelings and shock when I read your post. We talk and cry about the delays and inconveniences but this one...OMG,,its really upsetting.. I immediately prayed for your welfare and peace...somehow I got a flash inside me saying that " you will live beyond 4-6 months and something will work out for you""

    Hope you get some positive news soon!

    take care

    07-09 11:12 AM
    I found this in the one of the forums.. please people contact the report have people hear us.

    Story for the Washington Post


    Hi all,

    I'm a reporter with the Washington Post. If your efforts result in Emilio Gonzalez receiving hundreds of flowers tomorrow, I would very much like to do a story on it. If you're interested in speaking with me and telling me your story and why you've decided to participate in this demonstration, please give me an email or call me. My contact information is below.

    office phone: 202 334 6701

    I just spoke with her. Please call her with your story as well. The more the better.

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