Wednesday, June 29, 2011

transformers dark of the moon poster

images Transformers : Dark of the transformers dark of the moon poster. Transformers: Dark of the Moon
  • Transformers: Dark of the Moon

  • gc_rip
    11-18 03:25 PM
    Sent, and also requested friends to do so.


    wallpaper Transformers: Dark of the Moon transformers dark of the moon poster. transformers: dark of the moon
  • transformers: dark of the moon

  • cool_desi_gc
    04-26 09:29 AM
    Lets not get sucked into it..

    1) If there is a clause that you cannot join thier client directly, then it has to respected.These clauses are valid in court.

    2) What is there in the agreement if you join their client ? There should be a penality specified in the agreement if the clause in broken.

    Lessons learnt

    1) Why the hell did you sign the agreement without looking at these clauses ?

    2) Why din't you have a copy of the agreement with you ?

    I have seen many companies having a similar clause.There are some American companies as well that have similar clauses that you cannot join their clients within X months after employement termination.Generally you can work these things out with your employer and join the client if you leave with good terms.

    But he cannot withhold your salary regardless.Thats against the law.They can penalize you but cannot withhold your salary.

    transformers dark of the moon poster. Transformers Dark Of The Moon
  • Transformers Dark Of The Moon

  • hoolahoous
    08-27 06:22 PM
    GC comes with a 'sleeve' to keep the card safely. The pouch in the sleeve have special silver lining to prevent 'de-magnetisation' over the period. Please, take due care as its not easy to get replacement.

    I was advised so, at SSA. As I was about to put the card in my wallet (Ya, I went to SSA to update my ssn) gentleman at the window interrupted me. I thought I should share this small tip with IVian fella.

    Good luck to everyone !!

    it is not to prevent 'de-magnetization' but to prevent rfid communication. All new passport and other govt id 'cards' ship with rfid chip in them which contains encrypted biometrics info. Since rfid info can be read even 10 meters away with right equipment, it is better to put it in a metallic sleeve (creating a Faraday cage) to prevent anyone from sniffing then biometrics info.
    here is more info ..

    SecureIDNews | New U.S. 'Green Card' using optical stripe, RFID technology (

    edit: some additional info, mythbusters did a segment on the myth of demagentized credit card. It would take a really very strong magnet to demagnetize the strip, definitely not the kind you would carry in your pocket.

    2011 transformers: dark of the moon transformers dark of the moon poster. dark of the moon poster,
  • dark of the moon poster,

  • WaldenPond
    06-28 04:37 PM
    Hello LCtank,

    Thanks for the excellent suggestion. Do you know Dr. Woo or do you know someone who would know Dr. Woo? That would help a lot. Will initiate the contact with 80-20 initiative right away.

    If anybody has more of such suggestions/leads please send them across and help this effort.

    Thanks again,


    transformers dark of the moon poster. Transformers: Dark of the
  • Transformers: Dark of the

  • GCStatus
    09-13 09:18 PM
    Whats the game plan here?. What will this letter do?. What if we dont get reply?.

    We dont give them any room here. We are not letting them decide anything. We provide them options and they have to choose one. If they dont, we sue them.

    Options according to me. Feel free to correct/add folks.

    1.Process Green card in a consistent manner and provide Green cards who have been waiting for a while and make it current.

    2. Refund every DAMN dollar for all the million applicants who didnt get it.

    If they are not choosing either, we are SUING. No second thoughts here. We are under the water already.

    transformers dark of the moon poster. Poster Transformers: Dark of
  • Poster Transformers: Dark of

  • johnamit
    08-20 12:12 PM
    Mine is same case except I have no LUD changes so far and no activity either.


    transformers dark of the moon poster. New Transformers: Dark Of The
  • New Transformers: Dark Of The

  • flresident
    08-21 06:21 PM
    This is for my wife's first time EAD.

    Category: EB2, TSC
    Priority Date: June 20, 2006
    I-485 filing date: July 17th, 2007
    Paper based EAD application Received date: Aug 8th, 2008
    LUD : Aug 12th, 2008
    Card Production Ordered : Aug 16th, 2008
    Card Received by mail : Aug 21st,2008 ( valid for 2 years)

    Whole process took around 2 weeks.

    2010 Transformers Dark Of The Moon transformers dark of the moon poster. Transformers : Dark of the
  • Transformers : Dark of the

  • gcsomeday
    06-27 12:47 PM
    If the options are sign or do not sign and no EAD/GC for a long long time or never, I would just sign the damn thing. This contract is way too restrictive and lawyers will find lot of loopholes. Let him go to court. If he dares to, what do you lose? $10,000? He has to spend more than that, face publicity, lose reputation among clients ( send the freaking agreement to all his clients and advertise in all awebsites) and intense scrutiny by Homeland Security and possible arrest. Just somehow document all your conversations which implicate him and be prepared.


    transformers dark of the moon poster. dark of the moon poster top
  • dark of the moon poster top

  • jsb
    12-20 10:23 AM
    Hi All,

    I would like to know if I will get in trouble if I do this:
    First, switch to a completely unrelated job after 180 days of I485 filing,
    then, switch back to similar job when my priority date becomes current or close to becoming current.

    Does USCIS check what other jobs have I done during the entire adjustee period or it is only concerned about the job at the time of adjudication?

    Thanks in advance!

    Prior to getting your GC, you can work

    (i) On any job using EAD
    (ii) Job with a specific employer (which may or may not be your sponsor) using H1, L1, etc.

    Until you get your GC, you are supposed to be a guest worker. USCIS only cares if sponsoring employer (or any other employer after 180 days of AOS pending) has a job offer for you on your getting GC.

    If you are already working with the employer (prior to or at the time of getting GC) where you would work AFTER getting your GC, it only re-enforces your and your employers intentions.

    So, in brief answer to your question is, no you will not be in trouble, as long as sponsoring employer (or any other employer after 180 days) is willing to confirm their intentions of hiring you if and when USCIS asks for it.

    You can actually switch your job even prior to 180 days of filings AOS without impacting your case. You need not even have worked at all for the sponsoring emloyer. USCIS memos clarify these issues in detail.

    hair dark of the moon poster, transformers dark of the moon poster. dark of the moon poster,
  • dark of the moon poster,

  • sdudeja
    09-18 01:06 PM
    :)I applied for my wife's EAD renewal online on 11 august and got the card in mail on 15 sep. I guess this was a good experience.


    transformers dark of the moon poster. Another Transformers: Dark of
  • Another Transformers: Dark of

  • peer123
    06-13 07:58 PM
    My attorney actually filed directly with TSC. So all my case numbers starts with SRC.

    Is there any specific center we should be sending our 485 application. I have applied for I140 from Nebraska, can I apply for 485 in Texas...

    hot Transformers: Dark of the transformers dark of the moon poster. Transformers 3 Dark of the
  • Transformers 3 Dark of the

  • prachisahoo
    05-09 10:28 PM
    Hello Friends

    We can not win this battle without attention from visual media like News Channel.

    Traditionally we Indians are known to be camera shy silent listeners. But without the news and print media this issue will not catch enough attention from Washington to be debated. So, we have to come out of our shells and share emotional stories over news media. An inexpensive way of doing this without having to travel to any place would be to just switch on our webcam or camcorder and speak. We have to speak about the pains and put it into a story format. The content should highlight on the inefficiencies in the system , the discriminatory policies and loss to America because of the system. We definitely have to raise the following 2 issues

    - recapture of lost visas over past years
    - Per country visa limit

    If we send thousands of these recordings as I-Reports to CNN over 2-3 days period, CNN will definitely do a story on our issue and that will catch public attention. We can decide to remain anonymous when sending the I-Reports too. We can probably do similar stuff with other news media. This will cost us nothing and will create enough news to drag attention.

    What's your opinion on this ?


    house transformers dark of the moon transformers dark of the moon poster. Transformers 3 - Dark of the
  • Transformers 3 - Dark of the

  • blackberry
    11-17 03:17 PM

    tattoo Poster Transformers: Dark of transformers dark of the moon poster. transformers dark of the moon
  • transformers dark of the moon

  • madhuvj
    09-16 05:50 PM

    We are doing this to help everyone. Especially, those whose PD is still current as per September VB, if you act with in next 5-10 days, you have a chance. if you can individually file a law suit when your PD is current.Since my guess is, the lawsuit we are working on in this thread, will take some time to shape up. But this is a Biggie, we want to create a big impact. Meanwhile, folks who are out there waiting since 2001,2002.... you can follow the links that i pasted in my previous message. People have won lawsuit very similar to the one we are talking about. I can even paste some of the I-485 lawsuits filed because of unreasonable and unnecessary delays, when PD is current.

    Here you go


    pictures New Transformers: Dark Of The transformers dark of the moon poster. Dark of the Moon. Poster
  • Dark of the Moon. Poster

  • mrajatish
    05-04 03:22 PM
    So if the kid gets his GC and you do too because he, like many other kids, are removed from the queue, is that a problem or a good thing?

    Plus in a lot of fields, having an MS or PhD is absolutely necessary.

    dresses Transformers 3 Dark of the transformers dark of the moon poster. Transformers: Dark of the Moon
  • Transformers: Dark of the Moon

  • optimist578
    03-08 02:37 PM
    There are lot of people whodo investments,have kids and buy houses and everything else when they are on H1.
    I don't see any reason to hold off things on H1. If your wife did master's why don't get her on H1, there are so many job openings available in market.
    Instead of crying, take some action

    She has been trying for the past 5 years... She is not in IT. She would get past all the interview processes etc but when it comes to finalizing the papers with HR etc comes the final blow. "No visa sponsorships, Sorry !! "
    Seeing all her friends climb up the ladders.. doing well in different areas and you being left helpless is difficult to digest. She has been volunteering, working with different Societies, charity organizations. But keeping yourself busy is not just what she wants to do.
    My efforts:-
    A $50 monthly contributing member,
    Trying to meet a congressman now
    Convincing friends to join efforts.
    But haven't seen "anything" positive yet.


    makeup dark of the moon poster top transformers dark of the moon poster. transformers dark of the moon
  • transformers dark of the moon

  • xela
    04-24 01:08 PM
    I think the admin should respect the wishes of his friends and close this thread, it is causing pain for them.
    If all of us agree that we need to help his family then lets open a new thread and make it about helping them, so his friends do not need to come back here and read his last words over and over again.

    I am just trying to be sensitive to those that knew him.


    Is there any link to contribute to help his family ??

    Let me know please.


    girlfriend transformers dark of the moon transformers dark of the moon poster. New Transformers: Dark of the
  • New Transformers: Dark of the

  • GTGC
    09-16 04:53 PM
    Great Thanks. Please PM me your email ID, Ph# and amount u would like to pledge.

    I can contribute $200 - and dont be disheartened if only 2 people responded today - keep the thread and top and give it visibility!

    we've gotta keep moving forward ....!

    hairstyles Another Transformers: Dark of transformers dark of the moon poster. Transformers TF3 Dark of the
  • Transformers TF3 Dark of the

  • kuhelica2000
    01-30 02:37 PM
    You are absolutely right. These frauds need to be stopped. Because of this fraud H1b quota is used up on the very first day and EB3 India has a backlog of seven years. If USCIS weed out all the frauds, I bet the wait for EB3 india will be no more than 3 years.

    You are already out of status as H1 accounts for continuous employment along with regular pay. H1 visa, job and pay go hand in hand. Any one component missing means you are out of status.

    There is no grace period. As the earlier member said, it is a gray area without any specific guidelines. I have seen people stay out of job (status) for 4 months and have used portability or consulate stamp upon getting a new job. It all depends on the IO.

    BTW, did you ever realize how unethical it is to use a consultant for acquiring a H1 visa without actually having a fulltime job? For last 7 years I am on H1 myself and have played by rules� I hate people who false represent the facts for immigration benefits.

    Because of people like you genuine candidates who have legitimate jobs are left out as you guys get lucky in the lottery even though you don�t have a regular fulltime job. My wife was forced to stay at home for almost 3 years because of people like you.. FYI she had a job offer (from a F500 Inc.) but people like you got lucky when it came to H1 lottery. Not just that but people like you give a bad name to legal immigrant community.

    08-13 04:03 PM
    SRC is always Texas , LIN is Nebraska. Also when you input the receipt number in USCIS case status website it tells you which center this application is with.

    I understand that. What I wanted to know was what number you have? SRC or LIN? And also to confirm, if it was cashed by TSC? and not the case that it was cashed by NSC and then scheduled to be transfer to TSC?

    As you had said "I think it got transferred to TSC". You mean it really got? or you think?


    11-17 06:38 PM

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