Thursday, June 30, 2011

gold rush miner

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  • GCnew
    11-30 05:41 PM
    I have heard that getting a Canadian Green Card is faster. May be that is another alternative for you.

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  • calgirl
    07-21 09:16 PM
    Hmm, urs is a unique case, but as far as i can tell u need to have FP done, that is the process, your lawyers may be able to help, have u contacted them?
    Paper filing is fine and its not slow, usually paper filers dont get FP notices.

    I did contact my lawyer. They have put in a SR but that's not helping. I was hoping the EAD renewal will kick it but looks like paper based doesn't kick it..
    Argh!! This waiting game seems helpless..
    Thanks for replying though :)

    gold rush miner. of the mining camps.
  • of the mining camps.

  • logiclife
    10-08 06:00 PM
    All EB categories will be current all the time. As soon as a I485 EB case is filed the visa number should be allocated to the first 8000 odd cases for that category based on the PD of application. If a new case is filed tomorrow with a old PD he will get the visa number and the last guys application will move to waiting list. At the beginning of the year all visa numbers are allocated and nothing is wasted, even if the case is having issues like RFE, FBI check, etc the applicant knows that once cleared he will get his GC.

    Can you explain why you think the lawyers will laugh it off? Or is it just that you say it because someone is saying something which you don't agree with?

    A clarification regarding the flower campaign. I said the AILA law suit and the congresswomen letter to the chief also had lot of weight. It is just not the flower campaign for your information, if you beleive so it is your opinion just like I have mine.

    Again, you have this approach of "This should be done, that should be done" or "What is wrong with this...why not work like this to avoid waste and be more efficient etc etc".

    I believe that you work for the Government. But I dont think you have talked to the government ever about fixing any of the issues. Big difference.

    All the big brilliant ideas that we come up with, in our heads, are pretty much meaningless to administration and congress and they wont do it unless they have other reasons to do it.

    You are like a person saying "What's wrong with doing assignment of visa numbers and then approving based FIFO..bla bla bla". Its like saying "What's wrong with passing electric current thru a tungsten filament in a glass ball of vaccum to create light". That is DIFFERENT from commercial production of electric bulb. That bridge - between and idea and its production - takes a lot of initiative and faces a lot of roadblocks.

    I will give you an example, and since you work for Government, I believe you will understand this easily.

    I was in a recent meeting with administration officials along with our lobbyist and 4 other IV members. One of the issues, that is purely and administrative issue and doesnt need congressional act is In country visa revalidation. Prior to 2002, St. Louis had an office where you can mail your passport for restamping after H1 extensions and dont have to travel out of country. We asked them why that cant be restarted.(just like your style of why this cant be done and why that cant be done, its so simple and makes so much sense...bla bla bla). You know what their reply was..."We dont have a problem in doing that, and the issue is not security. Its just that if we reject someone, that someone is already in USA and would drag the rejection thru an immigration lawyer, file motions for re-appeal and re-consideration, and take us to court...and we have to fight that and spend money from DHS coffers to do that. If we reject someone's visa stamp in Mumbai consulate, we dont have to worry about it as that someone cannot take us to court and its cheaper for us".

    Now, WHO would have thought about that? You see what I am saying. Here we are, speculating that they stopped visa restamping in USA (St. Louis) because of security reasons. And the real reason is - An attempt by DHS to save money on litigation it would face from rejections. Could you have known or imagined that? And who would have found the answer from IV forums. If I had posted that question here on forums, would I ever know that? No. It takes effort just to know the answers to questions. And then it takes some more effort to suggest more solutions and answers to their concerns. And then some more effort to get it done once they agree.

    Its very easy to sit in your cubicle and spin brilliant ideas out of your head and say "Why cant that happen?" and "Why cant this be done like that and like that?".

    And all your ideas are brilliant and they all have answers too. But sitting on IV forums and posting brilliant ideas isnt worth a bucket of warm spit if you are not willing to go out, travel and talk to people in authority and run your ideas and requests with them.

    And yes, talking about donkeys and horses, the problem isnt that I am expecting wrong things from the wrong animals. The problem is that donkeys expect to be treated like horses not because they can run fast like horses but because they think they can run as fast as horses.

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  • drona
    08-31 07:45 PM
    Have you looked at the status of the rally polls? Are you even aware that we are having a historic first rally for legal immigrants in Washington DC? Please people, get your heads out of the sand and participate in this rally to fix this broken system.


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  • desi3933
    06-27 02:15 PM
    These kind of agreements doesnt stand in any court .You can always say that you are forced to sign for your livelihood period.Esp. if he is a desi employer he even doesnt dare to go to court as that will cause more damage.

    Do you know the cost of defending suit? You have to prove the statements too.

    Search for law cases in PA/NJ and you will SHOCKED to see many desi employers who have sued their employees.

    Wake up and smell the coffee.

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  • another one
    12-17 02:43 PM
    Restarted the process again in 2006 due to job change.

    Two things that help me.

    1) Personally meeting lawmakers and making it obvious to them how screwed up their policies are.

    2) Being ready to go back. After all, the country where i was born and spent the first 25 yrs of my life cannot be that impossible for me to live in.

    Been in the US since 1998, have an EB-2 PD of 2001, have played by the rules all along. Still no GC... And, the dates are going back to 2000 from the new year.. I've lost hopes...

    I'm pretty close to getting clinical depression because of this game played by USCIS, Labor Dept, FBI and my own bad luck.

    SKILL bill, OMNIBUS, etc. comes and goes. IV does seem to be doing things to lobby for the community, but let's face one reality. Like a news article said, no one in congress or senate wants to touch immigration even with a long pole until 2009.

    The US has been very good to me (other than the GC part), more than my home country (India) which is why I'm still here.

    Have invested too much of time in this country to just pack up and go. Just curious if any of you feel this way? How do you handle such depressing feelings?


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  • purplehazea
    06-26 03:23 PM
    1) This forum is for skilled legal immigrants
    2) Any talk about illegal 'rights' and 'plight' is irrelevant to our discussion
    3) Getting defensive about illegals or being offensive to any ethnic community is a sharp deviation from our proposed objectives at IV
    4) If we do not have anything constructive to contribute while CIR dies, we should rather have constructive decisions about legal immigration bills or topics
    5) Lets stay united and fight it out even though the chips may be down right now.

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  • trueguy
    07-27 07:29 PM
    I agree. If "vertical spillover" occurs again, the only benefit would go to EB3-ROW.

    It is very very difficult to convince anyone to overflow EB2 ROW -> EB3 ROW -> EB3 I (leaving EB2 I out of loop). (eventhough USCIS did it in past)

    If someone tries to re-interprete, it will end up like:EB2 ROW -> EB3 ROW -> EB2I -> EB3 I, still no real benefit to EB3 I; only EB2 I will loose with some benefit to EB3 ROW.

    Bottom line is, we need more visa numbers and that's what we need to campaign for. May it be recapture, or STEM exemption or anything else.

    I am not saying this just because I am EB2, but these are the facts. Additionally, there is a big chance of new immigration law as soon as new president comes (likely some form of CIR) and we need to be prepared to have our agenda included in that; rather than splitting ourselves.

    Earlier it was like this:

    EB2 ROW --> EB3 ROW

    If any left over after that then remaining numbers were equally divided between EB2-I/C and EB3-I/C so both EB2-I and EB3-I were getting equal share of spillover. Thats the way it should be.


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  • pooja_34
    11-17 05:21 PM
    Done ! Go IV Go !!!

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  • humdesi
    12-16 06:59 PM
    Wouldn't count on that too much. Check how many people came in on H-1B just prior to those years. Then look at the annual per-country quota.

    Don't worry Bro' this retrogrssion is artificial...

    Cases Pending for year 2000, 2001, 2002 & 2003 may be few hundresds..

    even single case is is pending(due to name check delays and and it has been cleared recently), they have to regtrogate to cover that case...

    For EB2, retrogression is artificial, it doesnot reflect actual numbers.

    March/April 2008 - will show up more realistic numbers..


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  • TV Gold Mining Gang

  • JunRN
    08-27 07:20 PM
    my lawyer just faxed me my I-485 receipt.

    Center: NSC
    RD: 26th July (sent on 25th July)
    ND: 22nd Aug
    140 was approved at NSC. No LUDs on my approved I-140 or H1s.

    Attorney sent his checks, so don't know whether those checks are cleared or not.

    Even though I applied 485, AP, EAD for me and for my wife in the same package, we
    received receipt for only my I-495. Hey, I'm not complaining. Just passing this info to you guys.

    Wow, this is good news...nearing my July 31st file. :D

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  • reddymjm
    05-05 09:38 AM
    Just because i gave my predictions which were not favorable to the person, Someone gave me a red.:mad: Guys take it sportively, We are just doing a prediction games, If someone predicts dates which is favorable or unfavorable doesn't mean USCIS / State dept will use the same dates, They will use what is on their minds.

    By the way the guy gave me comment EB3 india will be June 2002 funny

    whats funny in that. As you said it is just a prediction...


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  • tonyHK12
    02-17 11:05 AM
    thanks ub27, gc_on_demand

    This is pathetic.
    Agreed. $5000 is about the same amount a single student paid to TVU, the diploma mill. This used to be the price 1 employee paid a fraud DCC for processing a Green card.
    What more can I say....

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  • GC08
    07-08 09:01 PM
    I think lawsuit is always the "last" resort, esp. to us, legal immigrants. So long as there is a way to make sure they are treating us "fairly", no one wants to sue. This time, they just pushed us around so harshly that people could hardly bear it any more. Think about the past several years... all the chaos, backlogs, visa # wasted... Even if we are not given all the rights, we still need to fight for what we deserve. If no one chanllege status quo, slavery and segregation would still probably exist and women would still not be able to vote.

    By the way, I think whatever we do to get the situation exposed, we need to put this episode into a context, i.e., the history of mistreatment of EB immigrants and the mismanagement of the green card process. In other word, we are not just a bunch of people (like illegals) who just walk in the street to demand green cards. We are sueing and demonstrating because the process is so mismanaged that we have been the victims for a long time. ... just my thoughts.


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  • desi3933
    08-29 10:33 AM
    That lawsuit Idea is still very much alive but not relevant to this. Plus that idea will take some time. I also don't believe I had been unethical.

    The bottom line, you would agree, the reason we all are lurking on this forum is to get our GC. I can assure you and the other core members of one thing, I will not do anything which is I beleive is unethical on not within the boundaries of the law.

    Any update on your lawsuit?

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  • marty
    05-30 11:54 AM

    Is it necessary to apply for SIN and Medical at this point since we are not settling in Canada for atleast few months?

    Yes, get the SIN number no matter if you are settling in canada now or never.


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  • WantGreen
    08-31 01:48 PM
    How am I being a racist? I'm just pointing out the fact that North and South Indians belong to different races and USCIS should stop clubbing them together.

    oh come on...Can't you see what a racist you are? I cannot believe someone can even think like this!!!!!!!!!!!

    SO SICK.....

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  • hindu_king
    03-06 04:12 PM
    Country Cap for employment based GCs is discrimination by National Origin. It must be removed. This kind of practice would be illegal if practiced by any corporate entity. So it might be illegal even for USCIS to have a country cap for employment based visas. We might want to think about having some lawyers check into this and maybe sue USCIS so that they remove this discriminatory rule. This one small change in rule could make a huge difference to Indian community, more than any other legislative changes. Skilled workers from different countries come to USA because they all want to work in USA, not because they come from a certain country. USA should have only one queue for this reason. Having separate queues for each country is downright racist and discrimination by national origin.

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  • man-woman-and-gc
    09-16 10:42 AM
    I can pledge around 200-250 for this.

    Go IV!!

    Great Thanks. Please PM me your email ID, Ph# and amount u would like to pledge.

    07-20 09:36 AM
    100$ from me. Please let me know how and when. Thanks

    05-08 03:05 PM
    I dont believe in flower/food/sos campaigns to resolve this problem...just because it worked once before doesnt mean it is going to work again..have we pursued a class action lawsuit against Department of State/Labor/USCIS for unlawful discrimination based on the country of birth in Employment Based Visas. Any idea if IV core ever took up this path? Can we attempt to do this? What are the costs involved and can we get some good lawyer representation to this goal?

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