Tuesday, June 28, 2011

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  • anandrajesh
    12-10 12:14 PM

    How can I have a foot note in my posts? Thanks.

    My Dear Macaca... Do the following to add a signature to ur posts... Login go to user profile... on the left hand side under Settings & options.. Edit ur signature... Type ur footnote and this will appear in all ur posts. Let me know if this is not what u r looking for.

    Also make sure b4 u post something always set ur Set my signature on.

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  • Kristen Stewart attended the

  • lg72
    07-20 04:24 PM
    IV core, you guys did an excellent job in coordinating the flower campaign and the San Jose Rally. Hundreds of thousands of people are enjoying the benefit of that right now.Thank you so much for all your tiredless efforts.

    I pledge $100 for Aman.

    Will contribute more to IV in the coming months...

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  • Kristen Stewart#39;s Oscar dress

  • eyeopeners05@yahoo.com
    05-28 10:13 AM
    Hi all,
    If i takeup candian pr and discontinue my h1b, can i enter usa using the canadian pr for visit purposes if i ever wanted to ?
    I have a home here and may need to visit once in a while.

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  • EB3_SEP04
    08-15 05:40 PM

    I am in the process of applying for EAD renewal. I have few questions:

    On the I-765 form,

    Q.11 if applied for EAD before , complete below.
    But there is nothing below other than your signature and date. It does not ask you of previous EAD information. What does "complete below" means?

    Q.16 The Eligibility here would (c) (9) for I-485 applications correct?

    Where do I mail this application . My AOS is pending at TSC.


    You need I765 instructions:

    BTW, this thread is for those who already paper filed to Texas, your Q should have been in some other thread.


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  • akhilmahajan
    02-11 04:36 PM

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  • princeusa2006
    02-14 03:17 PM
    Contributed $50 by paypal Transaction ID: 040218399T855313L


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  • Kristen Stewart bolted up the

  • johny
    09-06 01:16 PM
    No receipts yet. My file reached NSC on jul 9th. shows TSC is processing jul 2 cases. NSC is also processing some jul 2 cases.

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  • srinivas_o
    02-09 05:25 PM
    Paid $50 through Bank Of America bill pay.

    Confirmation number: 8MT87-N97Y8


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  • satyasaich
    05-02 12:48 PM
    But let me remind you that this seems to be the same provision that S1932 had in the past. If passed as it is, gives some relief for so many people who are waiting to file I-485. but keep in mind that AC-21 should be brought back in, to take any advantage of portability
    Anyway, a good one overall
    Section 205. Retaining Workers Subject to Green Card Backlog.
    Allows foreign workers who have started the green card process, but who are subject to green card backlogs, to pay a $500.00 supplemental fee to file an application to adjust status. This change would enable foreign workers to remain in the U.S. until the green card becomes available

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  • raysaikat
    08-10 12:49 PM
    Folks a quick question -

    Did all of you get the I-485 approval notice at home OR did it go to your lawyer ?

    I know that the card itself come to the home address -


    At home.


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  • alterego
    03-06 07:19 PM
    I hate to say this since I'm charged to the India queue as well. However this will not get solved soon. I saw on CNBC this afternoon that there were something like 53K H1b visas for Indians last year, next was china with like 8 or 9K, then others(I had no idea it was that lop-sided). When H1b visas are going so disproportionately to one country, the only solution to solve the EB green card logjam is to either put country caps on H1b visa or lift it on EB green cards. This is not opinion, it is quite simply a fact. Absent that, we can consider the EB green card route closed for anyone from India.
    There is little and declining sympathy for the pro H1b forces. I suspect we will see highly restrictive legislation pretty soon, and based on the current sentiment wouldn't bet against it passing either.

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  • pappu
    10-18 10:38 AM

    I think we all understand we are in this together. No doubt.

    A single post from CORE IV can make a huge difference to herd the cattle (including myself) here. For Instance, AILA letter asking for H1B and EB relief today.

    I had posted a modified version of their letter in our forum in which I had deleted asking for raise in H1 and retained only EB part. IF IV core thinks
    this is a good (or a bad ) idea and suggests what to do, our members will be energized.

    For my part, I have added my personal story, added the EB relief part of AILA letter and emailed two senators and one congressman in my state.

    Also, the same letters signed are ready in an envelope to be snail mailed.

    So, IV core, from time to time, when there is a campaign by AILA and other organizations which could help us, please suggest how you would like us to proceed.I am not trying to create more work for you, but as a member, I think it would benefit all of us.


    __________________________________________________ ___

    Your idea is good and I would encourage you to go ahead and send such letters to lawmakers. Any effort that is in line with IV's agenda and helps us in any way will be helpful to all of us. IV endorsed efforts are listed in action alerts page. If you choose to go and meet the lawmakers we have put together all information for this purpose

    as a policy we are only focussed on issues faced by high-skilled legal immigrants waiting in line for their greencards.

    When the session starts I am sure based on where the issues are going and after consultation with QGA and within core team there maybe some action alerts that involves contacting lawmakers.

    Your efforts sending letters to lawmakers will certainly help us in raising awareness and preparing groundwork for coming months.


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  • dingudi
    01-06 03:03 PM

    Just wanted to give you an update on my FP notice. Finally I got FP notice today schedule for 01/29/08. I guess Infopass appointment works. I had infopass appointment on 21st of Dec 2007 and IO told me I should expect FP within 3 weeks . I guess USCIS has started working after a long break. Hang on guys.


    COngrats!. Looks like yours is in TSC. Good to see someone from TSC getting it. It could very well have been a result of you taking the infopass appointment.

    Could you tell us briefly what did you tell or ask IO during InfoPass appt. Did you also tell them that you had opened an SR and did you show them the SR response letter also.

    Eager to hear a little detail about the conversation you had with IO during Infopass appointment.

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  • akhilmahajan
    02-10 01:35 PM
    Thanks a lot sujijag.

    Grand Total - $1094

    Come on folks lets help IV, to get things done for US.

    IV is I/WE.


    Contributed $50
    Immigration Voice $50.00 02/13/2009 8MWS5-D1N6F


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  • munnu77
    05-05 09:21 PM
    keep pressure on Cronyn to put it on debate by contacting him by fone or fax

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  • felix31
    09-09 07:39 PM

    EB3 ROW went to June 2002


    Since I will never get GC, this may be a good time to plan the big change for my life. :D:D

    Good luck, everyone!


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    08-11 09:52 PM
    I know this not right place to ask this question . Please can anybody tell me how add a new thread.

    Thanks in advance

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  • surabhi
    04-23 10:18 PM
    Guys one more perspective:
    2) Surabhi - nothing personal, but your post reflect how the ideal world should be. However world is not your way always.

    Its not ideal world. I have personally experienced both types of desi companies. Some one has commented about hardships of Desi employers that they cant scale beyond 50 employees, lot of competition etc.

    The reason they cant scale is they cant think beyond immediate future. When I suggested your ex-employee could bring you business, it was termed as long term sort of non-practical thinking. No wonder why many desi employers are where they are.

    Overwhelming majority of desi employers that remain in staffing business havent learnt anything about running business. They are middle men not adding value to employee or the client. They thrive on fear, anxiety in employees and scare tactics created by contracts that they know are unenforceable.

    What they dont realize is it takes 1 disgruntled employee who has nothing to lose and is willing them to take to the cleaners.

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  • maverick_joe
    05-12 12:37 PM
    are they talking abt EB3 I or ROW or both here?


    Demand for numbers, primarily by Citizenship and Immigration Services Offices for adjustment of status cases, is expected to bring the Employment Third preference category very close to the annual numerical limit in June. As a result, this category is likely to experience retrogressions or visa unavailability beginning in July. Such action would only be temporary, however, and a complete recovery of the cut-off dates would occur for October, the first month of the new fiscal year.

    June VB is out !

    05-29 08:01 PM
    Great. Thanks.

    sent the emails to senator/s

    02-24 09:14 AM
    I just contributed $200. Will try to participate in the event as well. Thanks and good luck!

    Your receipt number for this payment is: 4408-9307-9825-0138.

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