Tuesday, June 28, 2011

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  • paulavijit
    05-25 02:15 PM
    Sent emails and made phone calls to all Senators mentioned.

    Thanks IV.

    Good luck.

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  • gclongwaytogo
    10-11 05:19 PM
    Dont know how far it is true, but I always look at that website. And usually they update the happenings quickly. And most of the time it is correct too.

    And in my office, they applied for three of us and one has got the RNs. But we haven't. Attorney says that she has got RNs for her clients who applied in August. And asked me to wait, as nothing else can be done at this point.

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  • schandwani
    11-18 11:30 AM

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  • pappu
    02-25 12:42 PM
    Over the past 4 years, I have contributed to IV several times. I was also a monthly subscriber of $20 for over a year until my credit card expired and the payments stopped.
    What pains me is that inspite of several requests, i have not been granted access to donor forms. Perhaps there is a waiting list for donor access or my priority date is not current for the same.:confused:

    I will try my best to make it to DC events, but please accept my small contribution in case i am unable to make the trip.

    Transaction ID # 44Y412702G964994U date 2/25/2011 $25. monthly contribution for 6 months.

    Thanks for your contributions. We checked our records and did not receive any such request from you. Your past recurring contributions were in 2007 and 2008 when we did not have any donor forums. The phone number in your profile is incorrect. Could you please update your profile for us to reach out to you.


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  • nandakumar
    11-19 03:27 PM

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  • gjoe
    10-08 06:46 PM
    Though I don't agree with you on all that you said about the goverment and what I know about it, your approach was right in replying. I wish all the senior members had these qualities.
    Coming back to horse and donkeys, you didn't read my post properly. The essence of the story was to convey everyone of the members can't do everything you ask them to do. A leader ( if you are in a managment postion making decision you will understand better what I am saying here) should know how to make best out of the group he has.

    I would also thank whomever who brought my star color back to green :) after sometime in the red zone.

    Again, you have this approach of "This should be done, that should be done" or "What is wrong with this...why not work like this to avoid waste and be more efficient etc etc".

    I believe that you work for the Government. But I dont think you have talked to the government ever about fixing any of the issues. Big difference.

    All the big brilliant ideas that we come up with, in our heads, are pretty much meaningless to administration and congress and they wont do it unless they have other reasons to do it.

    You are like a person saying "What's wrong with doing assignment of visa numbers and then approving based FIFO..bla bla bla". Its like saying "What's wrong with passing electric current thru a tungsten filament in a glass ball of vaccum to create light". That is DIFFERENT from commercial production of electric bulb. That bridge - between and idea and its production - takes a lot of initiative and faces a lot of roadblocks.

    I will give you an example, and since you work for Government, I believe you will understand this easily.

    I was in a recent meeting with administration officials along with our lobbyist and 4 other IV members. One of the issues, that is purely and administrative issue and doesnt need congressional act is In country visa revalidation. Prior to 2002, St. Louis had an office where you can mail your passport for restamping after H1 extensions and dont have to travel out of country. We asked them why that cant be restarted.(just like your style of why this cant be done and why that cant be done, its so simple and makes so much sense...bla bla bla). You know what their reply was..."We dont have a problem in doing that, and the issue is not security. Its just that if we reject someone, that someone is already in USA and would drag the rejection thru an immigration lawyer, file motions for re-appeal and re-consideration, and take us to court...and we have to fight that and spend money from DHS coffers to do that. If we reject someone's visa stamp in Mumbai consulate, we dont have to worry about it as that someone cannot take us to court and its cheaper for us".

    Now, WHO would have thought about that? You see what I am saying. Here we are, speculating that they stopped visa restamping in USA (St. Louis) because of security reasons. And the real reason is - An attempt by DHS to save money on litigation it would face from rejections. Could you have known or imagined that? And who would have found the answer from IV forums. If I had posted that question here on forums, would I ever know that? No. It takes effort just to know the answers to questions. And then it takes some more effort to suggest more solutions and answers to their concerns. And then some more effort to get it done once they agree.

    Its very easy to sit in your cubicle and spin brilliant ideas out of your head and say "Why cant that happen?" and "Why cant this be done like that and like that?".

    And all your ideas are brilliant and they all have answers too. But sitting on IV forums and posting brilliant ideas isnt worth a bucket of warm spit if you are not willing to go out, travel and talk to people in authority and run your ideas and requests with them.

    And yes, talking about donkeys and horses, the problem isnt that I am expecting wrong things from the wrong animals. The problem is that donkeys expect to be treated like horses not because they can run fast like horses but because they think they can run as fast as horses.


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  • govindk
    11-17 03:16 PM

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  • bobzibub
    05-23 07:06 PM
    Dear Senator ____;

    Subject: Treating the currently backlogged legal skilled immigrants at parity with undocumented immigrants and family-based applicants in the Immigration Reform bill S. 1348.

    I am a member of Immigration Voice (www.immigrationvoice.org). Immigration Voice represents the interest of 500,000 legal skilled immigrants in the United States on the path to green cards who have been stuck in enormous backlogs and delays in immigration process.

    The career growth, job mobility and quality of life of a half a million legal skilled immigrants is subverted by the bill in its current form.

    Specifically, the restrictions on employment mobility of current applicants affected by this bill, limit improvements in all wage rates. This is because when the market for highly skilled staff improves (as it is doing today), we have significant bureaucratic barriers placed that prevent us from changing jobs. This creates a mis-allocation of scarce talent and limits the growth of the high tech industry as a whole.

    The permanent residency process currently takes a great many years, but technologies change fast. Staying in the same job can make a tech career stagnant. Few Americans in the technology field are willing to stay in the same position within their current company for that many years. So, Again, this limits growth in the technology industry because scarce skills are being miss-allocated.

    It is not just about changing jobs: I also get requests from friends that want me to improve their website or even join a start-up. They are dumbfounded when I tell them I may not because it is illegal for me to do so. Nor may I volunteer my time. Nor may I start my own company because I may not work for myself. The economic cost of a half-million highly skilled people not being able to start a business must be staggering.

    Personally, since moving to the "land of the free", I find it ironic that I lost my economic freedom. It is also heartbreaking to see the rug pulled out from beneath us when we've been such law-abiding and dedicated participants in the current system all these years. In terms of years, in terms of opportunity lost, and in terms of money wasted on lawyers, we humbly request an equitable solution for all skilled, law-abiding immigrants.

    Here are some specific reasons why the current CIR bill fails us, and fails the US economy. Also suggestions on improvements that can be made:

    1. Section 501(b) reduces the number of green cards to legal skilled immigrants from the current 140,000/year to 90,000/year and diverts the major portion of those green cards to future low-skills guest workers under the Y visa program. Instead of increasing that number to reduce the backlogs this section take a step backwards and would exacerbate the backlogs. On the other hand, 503(f)(2) of this act would allocate an estimated 11 million green cards over a time frame of 5 years – 2.2 million a year – to undocumented immigrants. Immigration Voice requests congress to treat legal skilled immigrants at parity with undocumented immigrants and increase the number of green cards to at least 250,000 for 5 years for currently backlogged applicants defined under Sec. 502(d)(2) in order to reduce to current backlog before the untested points based merit system is functional.

    2. Immigration Voice requests congress to waive per-country ceilings on backlogged petitions to be processed under Sec. 502(d)(2) in order to make the backlog reduction more efficient. The bill provides a very similar waiver from per-country ceilings to family based pending petitions in section 508(b).

    3. Immigration Voice requests congress to allow legal skilled immigrants to file for adjustment of status for those applicants who have been certified by DOL to be doing jobs no US citizen is willing, qualified or able to do. This would be at parity with provisions for undocumented immigrants who would qualify for instant work permit (probationary card) that allows them to work without employer sponsor and without department of labor’s certification simply by registering.

    We at Immigration Voice strongly opposes the bill S 1348 in its current form and requests congress to amend this bill and treat the legal skilled immigrants at parity with undocumented immigrants, future guest-workers and pending family-based applicants.

    <your name>


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  • gc_check
    07-02 09:01 AM
    On AILA site...

    "Just Posted -
    Follow-up to Update on July Visa Availability"

    Does anyone have quick access through their attorney to check what it says?
    Its the old link.... No updates yet

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  • kumar1
    01-30 04:15 PM
    You being US citizen or president of USA does not mean much to us! I have requested you to show me "so called 30 day rule" on any of the official web site (For example USCIS). I have asked you this several times. Every time You just direct us to some lawyer's web site/university web site and expect us to believe them.

    Show me the information on official web site and I will shut up.

    I suggest, go ahead and let me know which point you think is not correct.

    I have been in this country and dealt with immigration issues for more than 10 years now. Please feel free to look at my old post, and let me know if you find anything incorrect/wrong in any past posts.

    I am a US citizen now and I post details to help my would be-immigrant friends.


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  • mariner5555
    05-01 02:51 PM
    Didn't Logfren ask that question to USCIS during last July?
    no idea actually ..did she get a reply ? ..yes. I remember something like this was posted ..does anyone have the figures ? last year EB3 - I got 19,000 ..visas ..that is correct, right ?

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  • eb3_nepa
    05-02 11:33 AM
    Ragz thanks for removing the unnecessary quotes :)


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  • eb3_nepa
    05-04 04:28 PM

    These discussions about what you and i think about whether Bs or Ms is more important is totally pointless. First off this bill has yet to be brought up for discussion. Secondly any bill bringing any relief is good at this point in time.

    We are arguing and debating endlessly about a bill that may never even see daylight. I think the more important thing to do is, try and get this bill to be brought up for discussion.

    Simple example. If there are 20 people in the queue ahead of u and a the shopkeeper opens another fresh queue, whether ur part of queue 1 or queue 2 ur still looking at a smaller queue. Who is to say which queue will be longer? Do we have any stats that say out of the 300,000 legals waiting how may have and have not an advanced degree. For all you know the queue with Just the bachelors may end up being shorter. I am sure a LOT of us just on IV have come here on F1 and then went on to get H1s.

    Lastly i have a question about SKIL. When you say people with advanced degrees will not be counted against the quota, what EXACTLY does that mean? Does it mean that ppl with advanced degrees who have Not been able to apply for 485 can now apply regardless of PD? OR does it mean that the PD still applies but people who have applied will move quicker as they are not counted against the quota?

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  • vkrishn
    08-25 04:48 PM
    I got a response from Tier2 officer that there are no Visa numbers available. She was pretty pissed that there hell a lot of indians calling and was close to making it racial. She read from a report that DOS sent to USCIS (page 31 is what she quoted) where she said there are no Visa numbers available. I am assuming its for this month.


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  • rahulp
    06-12 07:27 PM
    Anybody who filed after 06/04/2007, got receipt#

    I am just trying to see if NSC could go past the I-485 received on 06/01/2007. Many folks whose application was received the first day got receipt and receipt#. Is there anyone who applied later and got the receipt or receipt#.

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  • hello
    02-03 02:13 PM
    Contributed $100.


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  • nepaliboy
    05-21 10:40 AM
    last week i took infopass and got shedule for biometric , i am also july 2nd filler and had not receive appointment until last week.
    my appointment actually at 28th may 2008 but yesterday i went to asc and told them i will be leaving usa next week and request to take biometric fineally i am able to get biometric yesterday.
    but i have to pay $25 for him doing my fevour because with out that he isnot willing to do so.
    there is no lud today on my i-485 so could you please tell me how long it take to get lud ?
    how long it take to clear fbi?
    what is soft lud and hard lud ?
    my pd is current so will i soon see my i-485 processing ?

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  • smsthss
    10-01 01:34 PM

    Both and spouse and I received my receipts for our I-485, I-140, EAD, AP 09/19/07. On 09/24/07 we received fingerprint notice and on 09/27/07 we received our EAD card. I am quite surprise by how fast it came. Here are my details :

    Priority Date: 10/15/04
    Type: EB3
    I-140/I-485: Concurrently filing at NSC. Receipt date 07/07/07
    Checks cashed: 09/10/07
    Receipts received: 09/19/07
    Fingerprint appt: 10/09/07

    both me and my spouse also got our receipts for I-485/EAD on Sept 24th. Filed on July 20 (NSC). We received transfer notices (CSC TO NSC) for I-485 on Sept 28th. Received EAD card on Oct 1st. Did not receive FP notices yet. Any idea how long will it take to get the FP notices after receiving all the receipts and EAD card?

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  • vinabath
    04-24 09:45 AM
    In ideal situation Desi employer should provide value rather than just scrape money as revenue sharing mechanism.

    If a desi employer can go and get projects and becomes preferred vendor, he would not even do H-1s. He will use a Sub. Believe me H-1B visa is a pain in the ass even for the employer too.

    There is a reason desi employers exist. both the desi employers and desi employees pick the best possible scenario/solution with respect to their situation.

    08-27 12:58 PM
    I-485 application reached NSC on July 11th 9:13 am, signed by K.LAWSON. No receipts yet.

    PD - 06/2006, EB-3, INDIA
    I-140 - Approved NSC, 10/2006

    02-23 10:06 PM
    Your receipt number for this payment is: 0578-5089-3157-9050.

    I just donated $100 for the event.
    I will be participating in advocacy effort. I am coming from Richmond, VA and I can pick-up 3 more people from the area. I can also do carpool in DC during the events (Hotel - Captol Hill or Airport- Capitol Hill)


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