Tuesday, June 28, 2011

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  • h1bmajdoor
    07-08 10:23 PM
    H1B is a non immigrant visa, and we dont have the full constitutional rights, for eq we dont have the right to vote.

    Legally we are not immigrants, that is the worst mistake( calling ourselves immigrants) ,being done by us,

    If USCIS denies GC for security reasons, you cant sue them.

    voting is a privilege. minors, felons etc are not allowed to vote.

    consitutional protections means basic protection to humans like due process, right to own property and so on.

    some rights are overriden by immigration laws, like the freedom to choose employer.

    but it is too late to worry about that.

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  • ramus
    07-07 10:53 PM
    Where you getting your number from? Did you already set up poll?

    Hope somebody is serious out there, just kidding

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  • dpp
    07-28 03:09 PM
    As far i know in the whole world, nobody thinks about the group unless it is beneficial to himself(herself) first. This is natural human mentality, there is nothing wrong in it. Only exception is "Saints". I don't think we are Saints.

    The visecral reaction to my thread (not threat!) has only gone to prove my hypothesis - self interest is the ONLY binding factor amongst 'highly skilled' workers

    No one can claim to be 'superior' by virtue of their EB classification and take refuge under the current system by preaching that "it is what it is, you accepted it, so play by it!". What a sudden love fest for a system that you cared to fix not too long ago? So, what changed? The sudden realization that there are a few erudite and vocal EB3 I's that can speak their mind and ask the difficult questions?!

    Willwin is a rare gem that could see the point in my earlier thread ... Others, my post is not 'ugly', it is the reflection that you see when I hold a mirror up to you. Dont like it? Dont blame me.

    Others are scared sh*it that the real deal will be revealed. Just goes to prove that if the current system goes to serve YOUR narrow self interest, you will go to no end to justify it AND defend it... even at the cost of creating deep divides amongst a larger group. Suddenly, your sense of outrage has been channeled against EB3 I's seeking a voice and not against the 'system' that you claimed to care fixing. Nice. A chameleon would be proud to welcome you to the family.

    Dont worry. Sleep easy, no one is going to call Ron or a shrink. I have exposed the duplicity that defines your being ... and you can rest easy knowing that your sense of 'logical reasoning and moral outrage' cannot stand scrutiny on a simple b-board, let alone a court of law ...

    Lets get together to help fix this problem. Let EB3 I's find their voice and make the appeals that they need to. They DO NOT need the approval or outrage of EB2's trying to protect their new found turf. Get the drift?

    Many EB3 I's have waited 5+ years in dead end jobs and possibly single incomes only to see EB2 come hither and walk easy. No jealousy or blame. Just the hard question to those that holler back "dont complaint EB2 was meant to be a higher category" ... want to respond to a "higher calling" ... i.e., holding up your petitions to objective scrutiny not prejudiced by narrow goals?

    After all, one would find that MOST work done by EB2 I's does not really require a Masters degree. Just ask a high school Java whizkid.

    I rest my case and will not waste my time responding to emotional outbursts or getting dragged into the cesspit of poor logic. Got it?


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  • rvurady14
    02-09 02:44 PM
    I will mail my $50 Contribution Today.

    GO IV GO-


    dwyane wade girlfriend 2011. posted on February 9, 2011
  • posted on February 9, 2011

  • gmpa
    07-20 08:23 AM
    Count me in.

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  • ca_immigrant
    02-01 11:41 PM
    I just visited last month. I stayed there for 6 weeks...

    Agree that economy is booking but....

    (1) too much pollution.
    (2) No infrastructure to handle cars and two wheeleers.
    (3) too much mosquito even in winter/summer. I do not know what will happen in rainy days.
    (4) prices for every item have gone up by 3X..Most of the item I am not able to justify the rise. The quality of the product has not gone up.
    (5) easy to set up business..get house...get car but tough to drive peacefully...need to pray god every morning so that we come back home with 2 hands and 2 legs and unbroken body parts.
    (6) Club culture is booming too...so if you have daughter who is teen then need to check by that angle too.

    Just my two cents....

    @ asdcrajnet - All the very best to you !! May you have a great life back home !!

    I agree there are many issues we have back home but after all it is our country -:)
    there is something that pulls me back to and we are also thinking we will go back in the next couple of years. It will not be easy as we love this country too...but then one of the main reasons we are going back is the way is the culture here... I am not very comfortable with the culture here and would like my kids to have the Indian culture...I agree there is a lot of westernization back home too...but I guess there is some hope there still to have a little control on the kids...or help them go the right way...here I am not saying it is wrong...but is a totally different culture....which is what I am not able to digest....

    Also, we are alone here no family or extended family and that too is not easy (I think)
    Lack of social support....

    I respect this country a lot and love this country (and my country too -:) ...I am what I am today because of India and US.

    If we end up going (I am sure at some point we will), we will always be greatful to America !!!


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  • tonyHK12
    02-11 01:47 PM
    thanks bkarnik for your contributions
    Thanks to IV core and Senior members for their work on the STEM bill. Now its up to everyone else to do their part.

    Amount raised = $2300.00
    Contributions needed = $47,700.00

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  • dwyane wade girlfriend 2011.

  • elaiyam
    06-26 02:56 PM

    see page 5

    My employer says EVL is not required for 485 filing. How do I make him understand that it is required? Any links from USCIS website or any authentic info will be helpful. I searched and couldn't find it!! TIA


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  • psk79
    08-29 09:44 AM
    I filed late June at NSC trs to Texas and received on July 2nd. Just received my RN yesterday for my 485. On line it says that my ead has been approved and the notice went out on the 25th.

    Did your checks cashed before you got the receipts? or receipts much faster?? Congrats!

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  • bhobama
    05-10 10:07 PM
    The answer is in your question. Numbers. A few years ago (circa 2002-) no one complained much about Indians. Recently the complaints in the media/forums etc. are much higher. Why ? More H1, => more bodyshoppers (mainly India) => more abuse => more complaints and so on.

    Also FYI, H1 is "temporary" just like F1. H1 is not a guarantee to GC. So you need to go back after 6 years, since you say F1 should leave after graduation.

    Thats my point. Why are pakistanis getting green cards and nobody is saying they have taken jobs away from Americans? So many come to US on visa free travel, work 6 months undocumented from european countries, yet they are the first to get the GCs while Indians abuse B1, they abuse H1. How come only Indians abuse everything no one else abuses anything?


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  • gclongwaytogo
    10-11 05:19 PM
    Dont know how far it is true, but I always look at that website. And usually they update the happenings quickly. And most of the time it is correct too.

    And in my office, they applied for three of us and one has got the RNs. But we haven't. Attorney says that she has got RNs for her clients who applied in August. And asked me to wait, as nothing else can be done at this point.

    hot posted on February 9, 2011 dwyane wade girlfriend 2011. Dwyane Wade#39;s girlfriend sued
  • Dwyane Wade#39;s girlfriend sued

  • kshitijnt
    07-09 02:45 PM
    consultant does not consitute employer-employee relationship. This WILL NOT satisfy the full time permanant employment.

    Oh yeah. All big time consulting companies must lay off foreign workers then, myself included. My perm was filed as IT programmer, IT consultants job code. So am I not a full time employee of consulting company? Is USCIS fool to approve my I140? Not once but twice!


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  • pani_6
    03-26 04:49 PM
    There will be forward movement in June or July ..not sure how eb3 india would move..may be 03 and revert back..

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  • nishanttambe
    02-14 07:21 PM
    Contributed $50.
    Receipt No: 4918-8142-6470-4625


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  • TeddyKoochu
    09-23 04:57 PM
    With recapture, with country cap removal, with any other fixes that you can think of until you are not feeding yourself from my plate

    Excluding dependents is the most powerful and least controversial and most unifying way to clear the entire backlog in 2 - 3 years time. This way no EB2-EB3, I/C/ROW we will all be green.

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  • James and Dwyane Wade.

  • mariner5555
    04-30 02:29 PM
    gcbikari ,

    Your argument is wrong. From the PERM FLATDATA Center DATA,

    These are the Figures for TOAL LABOR CERTIFICATIONS for all the countries:

    Alex ..does this mean EB3- I will move to 2004 mid atleast ;) ? nowadays getting hope lifts spirits too :-D


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  • rchopra
    08-26 04:49 PM
    It seems, you got a better luck than many of us....enjoy!!!

    Very strange i mail my I-485 on July 19th and got my receipts and check cashed. But I see other peoples who mailed July 2nd and they are still waiting for receipt? Why is that? Does not make sense.

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  • Macaca
    12-10 11:23 AM
    Why don't you tell other proud americans to not

    1. admit us to your educational systems,

    2. give us jobs, and

    3. sponsor our green cards.

    Why don't posters on this forum move back to their home country and concentrate on making their home country great instead of slamming into someone else's country and just living off the wealth others have created?

    The bottom line is that a SKIL act is not needed. Hundreds of thousands of American programmers have lost their job to the third world, both in outsourcing and insourcing of third world programmers who work for cheaper wages. There is absolutely no need for more foreigners here and no need for more green cards. Temporary workers are just that - temporary. If you are on a temporary visa, work your time, make some money for your family and head home when your time is up. Don't cry that we don't provide enough green cards when you knew what kind of visa you were on.

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  • man-woman-and-gc
    09-17 12:35 AM
    Good Job Folks...keep the pledges coming.

    And guys..lets not fight or critisize each other...initiatives like this are voluntary..if u are convinced, welcome aboard, if not, you are more than welcome to watch it from a distance.

    Everyone here is mature enough to know what is right and wrong for them and we should respect it regardless of whether they are in favor of this initiative or not...

    For now..we are moving forward...and that's what counts at the end of the day.

    07-08 09:56 AM
    There are laws in place, already, for discrimination against applicant having proper work authorization.

    If the affected person does not report or take action, then nothing will happen. It is high time that "highly skilled workers" aware of their rights. Sanju mentioned a term "educated illiterates" for such reasons.

    Many consulting companies do not pay salary on bench. If the employee does not report to DoL, will he/she get his/her salary? No. The issue of discrimination is on the similar lines.

    There is no requirement for employer to consider any applicant who is on H-1B visa status. It is entirely voluntary and upto the employer whether to sponsor H1 visa or not. Same thing holds good for sponsoring green card as well.

    Not a legal advice.

    desi - the reason we face all these issues is not because of anyone's fault.
    Reporting an employer is not as easy as it sounds.
    The most educated and experienced people have always recommended to "protect yourself" - look for yourself and keep out of trouble.
    The issue here is - people in this situation are mere scapegoats - a common man who approaches beaucracy has to deal with crap that is worse.

    The entire process of immigrating to US via a employment based system is so loosely organized and puts people in unfair situations.

    It is just not desi employers or consulting companies, in general, but any employer can have an upper hand on you when you are at their mercy.

    People say big companies have policies and they abide. I agree, but it is not always the case. If someone is in business - they do things in their business interest - if dealing with USCIS is getting difficult - they may say "enough of it - no more responding to RFEs".

    One person contacted me - he is having a fulltime job and filed for AC21. he got RFE for EVL 2 times. The first time his HR gave EVL without any hasstles, the second time she was pissed, said "We do not want to deal with this - I have contacted legal and they recommend not to issue such letters".

    Now such a situation puts this person in a tough spot -the issue is not because of his employer because his employer did give a proper letter but USCIS asked it again.

    Just imagine what is this person's situation for no fault of his?

    We can always argue that "If you are worth and if company wants to retain you then they will not have any issues" - which once again may not always be true because we all know how relationships work out at companies - with ass kissing, nepotism, situations, financial etc......

    05-12 06:46 PM
    How do we contribute and participate in any campaign of IV....how to even become a donor???

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