Thursday, June 30, 2011

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  • eb3_nepa
    08-18 03:02 PM
    Wasn't that appropriate here? Aren't they use this word in day to day life?

    Yes they may be by some people. But the rules of this forum state quite clearly, that cussing is NOT welcome. This website is often frequented by members of the Senate/Congress (not the actual lawmakers themselves ofcourse, but their support staff). Do we really want them to see "highly skilled professionals" cussing left and right on them? No.

    Just because the IV moderators cannot moderate this forum 24/7 does not mean that we take advantage and post garbage on here

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  • walking_dude
    06-27 09:21 PM
    A note to my fellow IV members - I am not after the $42/Hr job. Good luck in finding a US citizen to do this job. I was wrong about EEO, it is actually IRCA which prohibits discrimination in recruitment and hiring.

    Best Practices for hiring workers from Department of Justice (

    But the point remains - visa status based discrimination is illegal not matter which law is being violated, and must be highlighted. We have to correct the misinformation spread by anti-immigrant groups that most jobs are "reserved for H1Bs", while the reality is different. Most jobs are "reserved" for American workers (although such reservation is illegal under IRCA). We have to provide the proof that the myth of "thousands of jobs reserved for foreign workers" in nothing but a myth. My posting is a small step in that direction.

    Here is another one in the continuing series of exposing the highly prevalent illegal hiring practice. I request everyone to start posting similar job-ads you get from recruiters. Once we get a hundred or more ads here, we can start E-mailing the links to the media.


    fromPatricia (Vyshnavi Infotech) <>
    to"Patricia (Vyshnavi Infotech)" <>

    dateMon, Jun 1, 2009 at 12:56 PM
    subjectJobs for Web logic consultants


    This is Patricia Evan. I have the below position for one of my clients. If you are interested in this position please send me your updated resume.

    Web logic Java Consultant

    Duration is 6 months.
    Location is Connecticut

    Must be US Citizen

    Looking for a Weblogic Java Consultant with strong pharmaceutical experience
    this person will be building webpage’s and build controls to access database Page flow development for a portal that supports my clients clinical trial tracking process. This internal/external portal
    allows documents to be accessed and uploaded, etc.

    The successful candidates should have the skills mentioned below and also know how to debug problems, how to configure into weblog console, and query a database to join tables. Client will teach the business processes.

    Must Haves:
    Deep development skills
    Weblogic Admin tool 10.2
    Apache Beehive Page Flow
    Database controls
    Strong SQL
    Oracle 10G (preferred)
    Java Script

    Candidate must have all of above….strong Apache Beehive Page Flow is key to position.

    Patricia Evan
    IT Recruiter
    Vyshnavi Infotech INC
    Herndon, VA 20170
    PH : 703-793-1868 Ext 211
    Fax: 703-547-0135

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  • mariusp
    05-19 05:34 PM
    Try to call the service center directly, e.g. call at a time when the service center is open. The 1-800 number will transfer you automatically and you should hear something like "welcome to NSC/TSC, etc...". If the service center is closed and they transfer you to the national customer service something you can hang up because they're useless. All they know is to open SRs which get routed to the thrash bin.

    I did exactly as in the post above, except for the part where I tell them I'm "depressed" (they probably figured I was anyway :)) and I got my FP notice three days later. I got a soft LUD right after the call, which is a good indication that the IO actually did something. If you don't get an LUD call again the next day, and the next day,..... eventually you'll run into someone who can help.

    i had call several times open service request 3times but no help finelly i took infopass and went to atlanta to see io he fineally shedule me for 28th may but i have not receive appointment letter yet .
    do you think i will receive letter ?
    after fingerprint i will see lud or not?
    i am july 2nd 2007 filler and my pd is november 2005 row , my visa is current now so what will happen after my fingerprint to my file?
    will they put back again somewhere storage place or they will finished my fille work?

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  • ramus
    07-07 10:33 PM
    That's the reason I said if we at least get 1000 members then we can ask core members and get their help. members should seriously think if they can make it before they saying yes.. I think even Friday option works as member can take long weekend and spend weekend in DC. We will also get to know all IV members.

    What do you say?

    Are you serious? If people are so much interested in getting a GC and would like to make an impact, a day's work should not be a big deal. Forget the weekend stuff as DC streets have no federal government business on weekends. There are some guys who are willing to drive from NY/NJ/NC.

    Even if we take the poll and lets say 500 people would like to come, that number will become 250 or less as most of us will have last minute issues as usual :p


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  • asdcrajnet
    02-02 01:52 PM
    Nobody is holding them back and that is the very reason they are planning to go back... got it ?

    Your rant in the post of all things, especially about the caste system seems like the half baked knowledge of a westerner bloating and carrying the caste "issue" to stratospheric levels!

    I don't from what area in India exposed you to your experiences, but apart from the ridiculous reservations and quota system, there have been no caste related issues that I or my family faced while in western India. Be it working with people from all castes, making friends with them or really helping the neglected. This was the case with my neighbors or any relatives.

    Looking at the numerous corruption scandals and making a hoopla about it or relating it tightly to the ancient family values (that India has) that one can give to the children is quite narrow minded. For that matter I can make a big list of scandals in almost every country. There were numerous scandals in 80's and 90's in India - that didn't affect the kind of right values my parents imparted in my siblings or I. I can say the same for my several friends.

    Things are in constant flux in any country - while the divorce rate, teenage mothers, suicide rate was very low in the early 1900's in the US, it went up by orders of magnitude in the last 50 years. Teenage smoking was rampant in the 70's and 80's it went down dramatically after that.

    People wanted to free themselves from the rigid value system and hence the 1960's and 70's hippie movement - what did they do - drugs, sex and alcohol - didn't go anywhere (remnants of which we still see in the US "culture") ! They turned themselves to service, philanthropy and spirituality and found a new way of looking at things - great things have happened thro' the initiatives of these Americans.

    Having a static view of things is really claustrophobic and is a seed of frustration and negativity. Generalizing everything is even worse.

    To understand the culture of India, you need to scratch deeper and assimilate it.

    I simply love this post. I am not a Pro US or a Pro India guy. I have seen many back home complaining about culture in US. I have also see many in US complaining caste/corruption/politics/quota system in India. I don't agree with either.

    Every country has pluses & minuses. Just take the positiveness from every culture/country and lead a happy life.

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  • bikram_das_in
    02-15 09:32 PM
    Contributed $50. Paypal transaction #3A099284SR453325N.

    I am pledging another $50 which I will contribute 1st week of March.


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  • pitha
    07-08 06:16 PM
    As I said dont just take the example I gave, consider all the visa bulletin for the last 30+ years and you will fidn a lot of examples.

    Pitha -- you forget one very important thing -- they still wasted 10K visas in 2006. So in Aug and July they had not actually consumed all the visas -- they just expected to in August and didn't manage to.

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  • amslonewolf
    06-12 03:39 PM
    My attorney is taking his owwwwn time.. Could there be any reasons for this?

    He is usually very prompt and quick to act. But this time, he is taking forever to file my I-485/EAD/AP..


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  • surabhi
    04-23 05:18 PM
    There is moral obligation too. Whenever you hire H-1s make sure most of them have dreams to get GC and settle down. Dont take risks in such a ways their dreams get shattered because of poor business practices. just to hire people dont run in your businesses on losses and in turn force yourself to shut down the business.

    I think there is difference of opinion here. Since there is chance here that the thread is frequented by current and would-be employers I will try to articulate once again.

    1. H1B is a legitimate business expense. It should be factored in as such by the employers.

    2. Same is case with GC. But given the fact tht after I-140 it becomes portable, it is perfectly ethical in my opinon to ask employee to put up the expense.

    3. H1B or not, employment is at will in US. USICS granting 3 year H1B does not imply employee is bound for 3 years either in letter or spirit of law.

    4. Unless the business produces IPR or the employee is in position to lure away exisitng clientele, non-compete doesnt hold water. Employers should refrain from using non-compete as scare tactic.

    5. As a corollary to point #3, having term around employment in lieu of h1b processing is illegal. The point of lost business because of employee left doesnt hold good. Employers can only claim non-compete or non-solicitation if the case is geniune. Lost business because employee left will never be upheld.

    6. Unless doing revenue sharing (80-20 etc), it is illegal to withold , not pay wages.

    7. If employee requests running payroll while not on project in revenue sharing mode ( see #6 above) it should be on cost to employee including employer contribution of taxes. this is indeed a favor to employee.

    8. If business needs to let go an employee and employee wants to continue for immigration reasons, it should be on cost to employee including employer contribution of taxes. this is indeed a favor to employee.

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  • sracharla
    08-23 01:04 PM
    Yes...LUD on August 8th.

    Hi Sracharla,

    Congrats on yur EAD.. Did u have a LUD on yur I-140 ???



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  • pallavan
    09-26 11:36 PM
    i'm as much high skilled as u'r...... <snip> till u don't get change to porting pd system..... i reserve the right to correctly call u a pu5sy..... get over it....

    Took it too personally huh ? Gosh, I must be getting Reeeally Good at this :cool: Haa Haa Haaa ...!

    Your rage was cute for a while. Now STFU and get back to the sorry existence you call your life. Luser night is over :D :D :D

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  • sammyb
    11-17 05:23 PM
    Sent to

    Senator Franken (D-MN)
    Senator Klobuchar (D-MN)
    Representative Paulsen


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  • sina
    08-01 01:45 PM
    Renewal application for EAD filed on July 30th for self and spouse. Checks have been cashed and got receipt number from the back of the checks.

    Let's see when it get's approved.

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  • Sachin_Stock
    09-23 04:54 PM
    When xyz had his Eb-3 140 approved, by definition he was OK'd to be immigrant in that category with THAT date. When he files for an EB2 he is "OK'd" to be an immigrant in that category at THAT date.

    Based on the same language English that you have studied, and I have studied, the term 'That' refers to Eb-3's PD. One cannot just throwaway all the merit earned on Eb-3. Which precisely what you are asking one to do.

    Porting is a right justice served. Of course, not everybody are eligible for that.


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  • redsox2009
    11-17 04:09 PM
    If Dream act becomes law, I will throw my visa documents and register my self as undocumented alien with undocumented birth certificate and get degree from a community college and get the visa.:D

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  • johnamit
    08-13 11:17 AM
    any LUD?
    My attorney just emailed me, she received receipt notices for 485, EAD and AP for both me and my wife.

    My application was received on July 2nd 9:01 AM, if it matters it was signed by R Mickels

    I have not seen the notices yet so I dont know what the notice dates are.


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  • sunny1000
    11-17 03:14 PM

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  • immig4me
    02-04 03:59 PM

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  • kshitijnt
    05-01 08:03 PM
    Lets file a lawsuit to get the info in a manner we need:

    1) breakdown of processing dates in a manner that co relates to visa bulletin.
    i.e.: tell us how many petitions by per country are pending/processed and processing dates by country and category. Atleast USCIS is answerable to visa bulletin.

    2) Visa usage by category reporting each month
    (How many petitions were approved are pending by visa category and by country) (here I mean just I140 and I485). Adjust the numbers if there are denials.

    This will atleast help everyone predict whats going to happen in recent months. One of the heartburns we have is no information comes out of USCIS and we are held hostage to what oppenheim says or Aytes says or Sheela Murthy says. This is public information so lets try and get it public every month.

    08-18 01:23 PM

    Lawsuit takes time , energy and substantial money.
    You have to prove harm to the affected party due to the actions of the government.
    It needs a champion.

    02-05 07:06 PM
    Sorry if this is not about GC or any US immigration processes...i just would like to know if anybody can help me or provide me the procedures to obtain Canadian PR. I already had an assessment done (me and my husband under H1 here in US as Accountants ) and we have I-140 and 485 pending. We are thinking of trying Canada.

    I always checked and read this site but this is my first post and your help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

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